My Problems

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Baku POV


I look at my phone and see a notification from my online 'self-help' group chat. I open it and read the message from Mateo, an introvert with PTSD and stress problems. The message says,

"Hi guys, Im not going to be participating in the gc anymore because I have found a therapist that I am comfortable with. I wish you all the best. Mateo"

Damn, I wish I could talk to someone about my fucking problems! But no one fucking cares! They all think I deserve to want to kill myself because I bullied that fucking nerd Deku!

And he's never said it, but I know Shitty hair thinks that too. My own fucking boyfriend thinks I deserve to die!

No one knows what its like being me...

Kiri POV

I look down at the knife in my trembling hand and think about how everything the voices say is true.

I am ugly...

I am stupid...

No one likes me...

It's all true...

I cant do it anymore...

tears streaking down my face, I hold the knife to my wrist and pull my shaking hand back, slicing a gash into my left wrist. I watch as blood runs down my arm and drips onto the tiled bathroom floor.

I tell myself that it's going to be ok, but deep down, I know its not. deep down, I know death is the solution.

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