Getting ready for the date! Chapter 9.

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Lucy's POV

I sat there drinking my beer.

"Hey Lucy.." Cana says, "don't you think you're kinda harsh on Lisanna?"

I look at her.


Cana takes a sip of her beer.

"I mean, she was here since she was a child, you don't have to go all harsh on her, and plus she was here before you."

I look at her and frown.

"CANA, whose side are you on? I don't care about that BS I am prettier than her, and Natsu likes me more!" I said.

Cana rolled her eyes.

"And plus, Lisanna died anyways!"

Cana stopped drinking her beer.

"Listen, you just stop being rude to Lisanna.." Cana says, "she didn't do anything to hurt you! I mean she's a nice girl, and I bet Lisanna still likes you, so you still got a chance." Cana says.

"I don't give a fudge." I said, while sipping my beer.

Cana sighs, "You never learn dont you?"

Lisanna's POV

I sat there painting my fingernails and toenails. 
I love the color pink.

Mirajane is painting her nails purple.

I look at the calender.

"IT'S FRIDAY!" I say.

Mirajane looks up. "Yeah? What about it?" she says.


"Well, let's get a dress and some cute shoes!" she says.

She looks in my closet. "Wow ever since you were gone, people had been taking all your clothes."

I rolled my eyes.

"It's okay Lisanna, I'll lend you my dress I wore only once." she says.

She goes to her room, then comes back in a pretty red dress.

"That's beautiful!" I say.

She giggles. "I know."

She hands it to me.

"Try it on!"

I ran to the bathroom, and came back with a pretty red dress on me.

"It looks fantastic on you!" Mirajane says.

I look at myself on the mirror.

Then I smile.

"I hope Natsu would like this!" I say.

"Of course he will." Mirajane says.

Mirajane did my makeup and hair, then gave me these pretty high heels that makes a sound when you walk in em.

"Sister, you look fantastic!" Mirajane says.

I smile. "I hope so."

I look at the time. It's 6:00 PM.

"Let's read magazines and stuff til it's 7." Mirajane says.

"Okay." I said, grabbing a magazine.

Natsu's POV

I wake up from my nap.

Happy looks at me evil.

"IT'S 6PM! Aren't you supposed to get ready for your date?" Happy says.

I ran to the bathroom.

I took a fast shower, and came out and comb my hair and wore my tuxedo.

Then I look on the shoe shelf for dress shoes.

I grab them and wore them.


"Happy grab my socks!" 

"AYE SIR!" he comes in flying and throws them on me.

I put my shoes on and wore my dress shoes.

It's 6:40PM." Happy says.

I look at myself in the mirror.

"Not bad, I say, but there's something missing." 

Happy throws my scarf.

"Of course."

I wore my scarf.

I look at myself for a couple of minutes.

It's 6:50, time to go!

I grabbed  the flowers and chocolate and ran to Lisanna's room.

Lisanna's POV

Oh gosh. It's 6:55PM. Is Natsu coming?

Mirajane, reading a magazine, looks through makeup and clothes.


I ran to the door. Mirajane looks up.

I open the door to see Natsu and Happy. Natsu holding flowers and chocolates.

I can't help but blush.

"You look beautiful!" Natsu say.

"AYE SIR!" Happy says hugging me.

Mirajane blushes and giggles.

"Young love!" Mira says.

"Hey you're young too Mira," I say.

She giggles again.

"Not as young as you." she says.

Natsu takes me hand and escorts me through the halls.

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