Simmer Down Simmer Down.

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Cassie P.O.V

"Cassie wake up. Cassie." I hear a voice say my name while shaking me softly to wake me up. I slowly open my eyes and let out a yawn to see the voice being Louis.

"Hmm? Where are we?" I go to stretch my arms.
"At the airport in Ireland," He answers. Wait we're in Ireland??
I look around to see everyone almost already out of the plane.
"Liam already has your stuff. You can sleep on the bus if you want."

I nod and go to put my shoes back on before exiting the plane and walking to the two buses already here with Louis by my side. I take out my phone to see that it's almost 10:30 in the morning. I might as well just not go back to sleep now.

When we reach the tour bus, I enter to see how big it actually is. It looks so much bigger on the inside.
"Cassie, we all decided to wait for you to choose which bunk you want." Liam tells me.
"Oh uh. I guess I'll take that one." I point to the middle one on the left side. After I decided, everyone else just jumps to an empty one and starts making it theirs.

"Hey, where are the other boys?" I ask Niall about where Ashton, Calum, Luke, and Michael were.
"They're on their own bus." He points out the window to the other bus parked outside.

Luke P.O.V

"I'm going to go apologize to Cassie since I didn't get the chance to yet." I tell the guys and they all nod. Once I go to open the door, I see Cassie standing there as soon as I do so looking as if she was just about to knock.

"Oh, hey," I close the door behind me, leaving just the two of us outside. "Cassie, I'm really sorry I said that thing. I didn't mean to make you cry, it just sorta slipped out of my mouth." I apologize.

"It's okay Luke, I already told you," She smiles, understanding. "I'm just trying to get over him and that topic didn't really help."

"I know and I'm sorry." I say once again.
"It's okay." She chuckles.
"Do you wanna come in and hang with us until our first stop?" I ask, hopping she'll say yes.
"Sure. That shouldn't be a problem." She smiles sweetly.

"Hey Cassie!" Ashton greets her with a friendly wave as we both walk inside.
"Hey." She smiles. I lead her back to the sitting room, where the TV and everything is to see Michael and Calum already starting a game on the X-box.

"Do you know when our next stop is going to be?" I ask Calum and Michael.
"He said in about an hour and a half." Michael answers, turning on a controller.

"Alright, so what do you wanna do in an hour and a half?" I turn around to ask Cassie.
"Hmm." She makes a deep concentration face.

As soon as she was about to answer, Michael suddenly asked her, "Hey Cassie, you wanna play Fifa with us??"
"You know how to play Fifa?" I ask her.

"Yeah, but I'm not very good at it." She answers.
"Oh come on Cassie! Please." Calum begs.
"Okay, who am I going against?"

Cassie P.O.V

The whole hour and a half went by pretty fast. All we did was play Fifa, which I beat Luke and Calum at, talk about random stuff, and just laugh about nothing in particular.
It sounds kind of boring but it was actually pretty fun. It's basically the second day since I met them and I'm already starting to get some-what close to them.

Right now we are at the arena the boys are all preforming at tonight and the 5SOS guys are just going over some stuff to make sure nothing messes up or goes wrong later on tonight. It's a pretty big arena and I'm surprised I haven't gotten lost by now.

"Would you rather jump in a pool full of sharks or eels?" I ask Louis as he makes a thinking face. Me and him are just sitting on a couch in a dressing room with everyone else getting their hair and make up and everything ready. Louis was the first one done so we're just sitting around.

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