Chapter 33

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This one as well :)


I look up for starring at the ceiling and Dylan pops his head out "Nope, don't even think about it" I say to him before he can even speak exactly what I know he's going to say, Dylan frowns and I cut him off again "Nope, not falling for that again" I cross my arms in anger "I would rather wait all day then have to share a cubicle with you" I huff.
"Suit yourself" he says looking disappointed is he even having a shower in there, I haven't heard him turn on the water yet, what do I care, I don't I am not spending time with him just because I want to or because Bella is out of town, because once she returns he will go back to his usual self, ignoring me and pretending that we didn't even happen, well I won't have any of it! I am going to stay away from Dylan Walters from now on! as much as I possibly can I mean, we will have classes together and see each other around the campus but that's it! I am putting my foot down on this.
Oh who am I kidding, If I have a shower in here he's just going to try and come in anyway, the doors don't lock at all it's just a curtain that's it! that's what they call privacy! because you know instead of spending money on doors that could lock for every shower door they had to spend it on that garden, I Would rather a boring campus then unlocked showers.
Finally a pretty girl with long black here leaves the cubicle and I can finally have my shower, Maybe Dylan won't come in if I sneak in there quickly, I close the curtain slowly so it doesn't look like I'm avoiding someone.
I put my toiletries down and my new outfit on the bench and I turn the what you could barely call hot water on, I already miss the hot water in Dylan's shower already, shit fuck, no I can't think of him no way! I am not giving in and going in his shower just for the hot water, because I know deep down that won't be the only reason I am going in there.

As I stand there in the water thinking about things like most people do in the showers, I can't help but wonder why Dylan is being like this, he said he couldn't do it anymore and I don't think think we can be friends, but then the instant Bella is out of town boom! suddenly it's I'm going to create a fake scenario in your dorm because I want you to stay at my hotel room that I'm going to make you pay for, and also I;m going to buy your mother an expensive present because I know you won't be able to afford a gift because you spent the night at my hotel.
Ugh! I try not to think about it and try not to waste too much water of this annoying and confusing man that is Dylan Walters, and I finish up as I can hear that there are more people in line then before.
I dry off and quickly change into my clothes and grab my toiletry bag and open the curtain and head towards the end of the corridor, and that's when of course Dylan decides to leave with his hair dripping wet and sexy black outfit on, he's wearing a v neck shirt that show's of his gorgeous body and daggy black ripped jeans, I swear he must have bought in bulk the "how to look like a bad boy" online.
I rolled my eyes as I brushed past him "Not wearing our lavender scent today Hannah, that's disappointing" he calls out back and annoyingly I turn around to face him and he flashes me the most perfect smirk I have ever seen, I could see some disappoint in there as well, did he really like that scent so much I thought he was just being flirty.
I decided to have some fun with him "Nah I only use that on special occasions" I wink back at him and turn around, leaving him to try and think of a comeback but he he says nothing which is fine with me.
I head back to the dorm room and I unlock the door and Ellen and Ashley are putting on make up when I walk in, and the room smells like mango.
"Why are you guys getting all dressed up? and why does the room smell like mango? I asked in suspicion.
"We are getting ready for a party that Dylan has put on tonight" They both try and say together.
"Well you guys have fun" I say and I dump my toiletress in my little cupboard next to my bed, and I flop down on the bed. And the girls look over me "Uh uh, you are coming to this party" the girls shake their head, not really giving me much of a choice.
"No way, I am not going to a party, specially one that Dylan is throwing, I have to see my mother tomorrow and i am not showing up hungover." I protest but I don't appear to be winning.
"Then just don't drink" Ellen says in annoyance and Ashley rolls her eyes.
"Why does it matter so much to you guys if I come or not? I ask crossing my arms so they can't drag me out the door.
"Because your not giving us a valid reason, you're having lunch right? Ellen asked.
"Yeah, what's your point" I huff "Our point is, there's plenty of time for you to come to the party, stay for a bit, and then leave so you can see your mother tomorrow" Ashely pressed.
"I'll think about it" I say to them just so they stop asking me, I was getting a bit frustrated now.
"Okay well, we're going now, hope to see you there" Ashley says as she's going out the door "Seriously Hannah, what's the worst that could happen? Ellen asks.
And she leaves the room leaving me with a perplexed choice, I feel like I'm choosing between Vodka or Whiskey, I lay on my bed and toss up the pros and cons of going to the party tonight.

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