its nothing :-\

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I walked into my house and saw my mom laying on the floor
Mom !
My dad came out of no where  why did you do this dad!
He walked up to me grabbed my hair and started pulling me up the stairs
Stop your hurting me dad !!
Please stop dad !
He threw me on my bed and started beating me hard
Daddy please stop !! I said screaming and crying
He just kept punching me the last thing I remember is wanting to die
Stop !!
I hate you aren't my daughter your a dirty slut like your mother
Let me show you what men do to nasty sluts
No daddy not again please
Shut the fuck up he said slapping me in the face
He started taking off my clothing
No I screamed thrashing
Sapphire!! Can you hear me I hear a soft voice a beautiful voice I woke up to feel someone on top of me

I saw if was ash he was speaking to me but I couldn't hear him then I started

Are you okay he said snapping into my face

Yes I yelled he got off of me

What do you keep having that nightmare about

I got up from under the covers not careing about anything just wanting to get out of here

I turned so my back was faceing ash

Nothing I said fast

He walked behind me

And turned me around

His hands went to my stomach he traced over my scare on my stomach  and the scares on my thighs

His touch felt good

What happened he said

Nothing I was a clumsy kid j said faceing a smile the tears were about to fall I put on my dress quickly and ran out

Sapphire ! Wait !!

I kept running and then I realized I left my keys inside I remember the spare on the bottom of the car I ran outside

I bent down to grab the key it took me a while I eventually got it out when I got up from the ground I hit something hard it was ash standing there his blue eyes starring directly into my brown ones the tears started falling

Move please

I kinda shoved him and I opened my door and then got in and drove off as fast as I could god that was overwhelming I stopped in the store and got some medicine for the headache that was coming on I went home and slammed the door at my stupidity about all of this I shouldn't have drank I shouldn't have hit Shawn and I should have not undressed like that because now he saw them the marks that ruined my life

There reminding me of everything I have been trying to forget

I slid down the door hugging

My stomach what started out as just crying turned Into painful flashbacks

I started screaming I just want it all to go away

The memories everything

I just want it all to be over with

Sapphire !!

I hear a voice over my screams

Its ash are you okay !!

My heart stopped I couldn't stop sobbing I had one choice let him in and tell him everything or answer the door and smile through the pain I'll go will the second one

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