Chapter 2: The Game Starts Now

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|Hey, guys!  This is my first book currently, and I am so excited to share this with you.  I will be adding a new chapter every Monday.  I hope you enjoy reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing this book.   Please critic or suggest anything if you want, it would help me a lot.  And on to chapter 2 of, Something Worse than Death.|

We were so surprised at what we were seeing inside of this old looking house. I guess this was what they meant when people say, "don't judge a book by its cover," because it was so beautiful and elegant inside this house. There was a beautiful marble floor. The chandelier hanging from the ceiling, like hundreds of diamonds. There were also stairs in the middle of the entrance hall, leading to the upper level, which made the interior even more luxurious.

We were all in awe at the sight until we heard the door suddenly slam behind us.

"Who closed the door?" Perri asked a slight nervousness was in her voice. Twirling her short blonde hair around her finger. She does this when she gets nervous.

"None of us did," answered Loki. Oakley sprints to the door trying to open it.

"Guys, the door is locked," announced Oakley. A slight crack in his voice from his nervousness.

"Indeed it is," a creepy, deep, breathy, unfamiliar voice said.

"Who's there?" shouted Liam, with aggression prominent in his voice.

"Is that really how you treat your hosts Liam?" asked the voice.

"How do you know my-"

"Please, just let me do my introduction first. I've been planning this for years now," said the voice. We all looked at each other staying silent waiting for him to say his introduction. "Welcome to the house of horrors. Here you'll have 30 days to get out of this house. After 30 days," he chuckles. "Let's just say, living is no longer an option. I'm not saying that you all will come out of her alive though. I'll assure you that someone will die during this game, oh I'll make sure of that!" He cackles loudly.

"You each have your own custom made rooms. Decorated based on your dream room. Yes, I know why am I being kind if I'm going to murder someone. Well, all of you are going to be scared out of your lives already, the least I can do is at least make you comfortable when you sleep. Rooms one through four are on the left sides of the stairs, room five through eight are on the right. Oakley, you have room one. Perri, you're room two. Liam, you have lucky number three. Kaylee, you are number four. Loki, you get the astonishing five. April, six is your special number. Number seven is for you Oliver. Which leaves number eight to Marrissa." My heart pounds when I'm hearing this information. Death doesn't seem ideal. We're eight 15-year-old teenagers, who somehow end up in this place with our stupidity, and now at least one of us has to die. How fun.

"You'll be out of you're rooms 24/7 unless you're sleeping, or there are tasks that say you can be in your rooms. You have to be in your rooms before 8 o'clock pm but after 7:00 pm. You must be out of your room dressed and ready for breakfast before the clock strikes nine. Also, you will never be in one of your other friend's room. If you fail to meet the requirements you'll be tortured for maybe an hour. Fail to meet these requirements three times then we will have to murder you. Since you obviously didn't bring clothes with you, we have a closet in your room with clothes that match your style and fit you perfectly. There are also bathrooms inside your rooms. But when you want to use the bathroom during the day, out of your room, you'll have to use the bathroom that is upstairs, first door to the right. We don't want you accidentally killing yourselves by not fulfilling the requirements, or we just don't want your poop and pee on our floors.

"You'll also hear a bell that will tell you when your meals are ready. When the bell rings you have five minutes to get to the banquet hall to eat. This is a requirement, and you know what happens when you don't fulfill the requirements.

"Since it's already 7:29, you get to pass just this night, but nothing else. After I am done with my speech you shall go to your rooms, I'll give you 5 minutes to chatter, but that's it.

"That is all I have to tell you. Good luck!" After the man's introduction, he laughs hysterically, giving chills to my body.

The game starts now.

Something Worse than DeathOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora