Chapter 3: Oliver!

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|Heyo everybody!  I am so sorry that this is late, I got really busy with school work and family problems that I couldn't post till now.  I'll try to post every week if I can, but no promises (sorry again).  If you have any suggestions, I am happy to hear from you.  Now let's get on to reading Chapter 3 of Something Worse than Death.|

"Guys, am I the only one horrified by this?" asked Perri.

"No, I'm frightened for my life," I replied.

"Heh, you could've helped yourself out of this mess Kaylee, but you decided not to," Oakley said sarcastically.

"Look, I wanted to be here with you guys. I chose to join because I'm scared something bad is going to happen to you guys. I'm sorry that I wanted to sacrifice myself to be with you," I barked.

"And the thing is Oakley, you were the one who suggested we go here to explore this haunted house. If you weren't to suggest this, then we wouldn't have gotten into this mess, would we?" Loki implied, defending me.

"Well, well-"

"Oh please, you actually think that this is real? Honestly, you fools," Oliver blurted.

"Are you the one who's playing these games, little bro?" Liam asked, his hands still in mine.

"What did I say about calling me, little bro. You're only 3 hours older than me," Oliver replied. "Also, no, I am not the one who's pranking you guys, but honestly it has to be a prank."

"Well then, I'm going to play it safe and go to my room. Our five minutes are almost up." Liam says.

"I will too," I agreed, letting go of Liam's hand. Everyone nodded in agreement, except for Oliver.

"Ha, you guys think that it's real. I'm going to stay here past 5 minutes and prove to you that this is a prank. No one would be insane enough to actually tortured a person just for disobeying them.

"Okay, you do you," Marrissa said.

"No, you can't do that!" April shouted. "You can't do that, what happens if it's real. I don't want you getting hurt."

"I'll be fine Marrissa, just fine. I'll be back nice and healthy, and we'll get out of this house together." Oliver assured.

We went off into our rooms leaving Oliver behind. I don't feel good about leaving Oliver, but he did bring it upon himself. I walked over to the room with the number 4 on the door. I breathed in, preparing myself for whatever is behind this door. A rushing wave of chills filled me with fear. You can do this Kaylee, just open the door my thoughts told me. I twisted the golden doorknob of the white door opening it slowly. I had one eye open and one eye closed, scared to see what the room will look like. But once the door was already 5 inches open, I suddenly realized how bright my room is. I opened both of my eyes and opened the door quicker. I was really happy when I saw how beautiful my room looked.

I closed the door behind me, squealing with excitement internally. The walls were white, which was a very refreshing color over all the other colors in this room. There was an obvious color scheme, and I adored it. The color scheme was like the colors of peaches, oranges and reds. The bed was a four-poster bed, which was the type of bed I've always wanted because it makes you feel luxurious. The bed consisted of a white bedsheet, a tangerine and raspberry chevron-patterned comforter, a light grey blanket hanging from the corner of the bed, and the pillows were either solid reds, oranges, or greys. There was a wooden framed painting of peaches, oranges, and raspberries, which really went well with the color scheme. A white desk against the wall with a cherry red chair was aesthetically pleasing to me. There were pencils that even matched my room, which was amazing. A white bench was at the end of my bed, which also made me so happy since I didn't have one at home. What really caught my eye was the white grand piano that stood in my room. And the thing was, it wasn't crowded in the bedroom, which made me realize how spacious the room was.

I put my burgundy rucksack onto the wooden floor and headed towards two doors. The doors were on the right wall of the entrance door. I went inside the one that was closest to the entrance. I turned the knob and walked right in. It was an elegant bathroom. An orange-red and white chevron carpet laid on the marble floor. On the right, there was a sink with a marble countertop and wooden cabinets and drawers underneath it. The faucet, connected to the wall, was made with a gold looking metal with two knobs, left and right of the faucet. My favorite Bath & Body Works soap, Peach Bellini, was at the right of the sink. Now that I think of it, my whole room smells like that soap. They really did a good job of creating these rooms for us. But they're going to kill one or more of us, so I guess I shouldn't be too happy.

I looked at the wooden framed clock, 7:03, I hope Oliver changed his mind and went into his room, he only has a few seconds before he might get in trouble. I looked away from the clock and tried to distract myself with how pretty the bathroom was. I couldn't distract myself though. It seemed almost impossible to do so. In my mind, the seconds are counting down... 24... 23 ... 22... 21... My heart races... 20... 19... 18... 17... 16... time gets slower with every second... 15... 14... 13... 12... tension filled my body... 11... 10... 9... 8... my eyes wander as cold sweat drips down my neck... 7... 6... 5... 4... the beating of my heart pounds in my ears... 3... 2... 1. Dead silence. Suddenly I jump when I heard the mysterious man through the speakers.

"You all should be in your rooms right now, but it seems that Oliver isn't in his room. Let's see if he regrets his decision." the man cackles loudly into the speaker. Suddenly there was a dead silence, so silent you can hear the light breeze outside. I waited a few seconds, not moving a single muscle. Suddenly a blood-curdling scream filled my ears.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2019 ⏰

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