『Clipped wings』

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A/N: I wrote this back in November so my writing has improved a lot. I probably will never finish this, but I might rewrite what I have.

The early spring air stings my skin through my thick blue hoodie, giving me goosebumps. I pull out my phone from my pocket and scroll through Twitter while I wait for my school bus to arrive. A particularly strong gust of wind hits me and I shiver, pulling my wings tighter around me to keep warm.
The bus finally arrives. I step on and head towards one of the middle seats since they're usually the calmest, hoping to have a seat all to backmyself. The bus starts to move, and I lean up against the window, folding my wings around me to warm up. I start to drift off, lost in my own thoughts, when I hear the sound of footsteps walking through the aisle.
Suddenly, I hear a voice next to me. "H-hey, do you mind if I sit here?" The voice says. I look up and see a brown haired boy wearing a black and red hoodie. His wings, like those of a barn owl, are folded neatly against his back.  I can't help but feel a twinge of jealousy at the sight of his oh-so-perfect wings, but guiltily push away the feeling.
"Uh, go ahead," I reply, a bit startled by the sudden question.
He sits down and turns to me. "My name's Darryl by the way," he says. "I'm Zak," I respond. "I don't think I've seen you around before, are you new here?"
"Yeah, I just moved here, today is my first day at this school," he replies nervously.
I stare distractedly at Darryl, my mind swirling with thoughts about this new student. The bus slows to a stop in front of the school. Darryl gets up and slips on his backpack, then steps out. I follow him off the bus and start to catch up with him, but I stop myself when I spot my best friend Vincent.
I head over to Vincent and tap his shoulder. He whips his head around, startled, and his grey owl-like wings miss my face just barely, but calms down when he sees me.
"Ey, watch it, your wings almost hit me!" I exclaim.
"Oh hey, Zak, what's up?" He greets me with a friendly smile as we walk through the hallway.
"Nothing," I say, not really wanting to talk about myself, or my problems.
"Mhmmm... okay then" He says, I can tell that he doesn't really believe me. "Hey, we should probably get to class, see you there dude."
"Ok then, see ya," I say as I shove my backpack into my locker.

The bell rings as I slide into my seat.
"Good morning, class! Today we have a new student joining us! Would you like to introduce yourself?" The teacher exclaims cheerfully.
Someone stands up and walks to the front of the classroom. I turn to look at the new kid, and my heart skips a beat. Darryl looks around and his eyes land on me, he nervously introduces himself "Ummm, hi, I guess, my name's Darryl, and I just moved here." He shuffles around awkwardly as he speaks.
"Well Darryl, why don't you sit next to Zak? I'm sure that he would be happy to show you around the school," said the teacher. Any other time, I would have been annoyed, but strangely, I didn't really mind. Darryl walked over to me and slumped into the desk to my left.
He turns to me, "Sorry to bother you," he whisperers apologetically.
"Oh no, it's fine, I don't mind at all," I whispered back.
Vincent looked at me curiously from across the classroom. I just pretended to ignore it and act like I was paying attention to the math lesson.

Big homo incoming UwU

"Sooooooo, is there something you want to tell me?" Vincent teased as we sat down at our usual table in the cafeteria.
"Hmmm?" I was distractedly watching Darryl go through the lunch line.
Vincent repeated the question with a laugh.
"What? No!" I said indignantly, caught off guard by him. "What are you talking about?"
"Oh, come on. Did you really think that I wouldn't notice you staring at the new kid every five seconds?"
I started to answer, but cut myself off when I saw Darryl walking over to us.
"Ummm, can I maybe sit with you guys?" He asks, his hands fidgeting nervously.
"Yeah, sure!" I respond before taking another bite.
He sits down next to me, and I feel his soft tawny wings brush against my face.
"Woah dude, how are your wings so soft?" I exclaim. "Do you, like, condition them or something?"
"Nope! Naturally fluffy! Thanks though!" Darryl answers with a smile, blushing from my compliment.
Huh, he's pretty cute when he blushes. I feel my own face heat up at that thought. I notice Vincent smirking at me from across the table. Oh no, this isn't good. I give Vincent a sharp kick from under the table, but his smirk just widens.
He turns to Darryl. "Sooo, you just moved here, right?"
"Yep, today is my first day here, actually!" he says brightly.
"Oh, in that case why don't you guys come over to my house after school?"
"Ooh, really? That would be great!" said Darryl excitedly. They both turned to me hopefully.
I sighed in defeat. "Oh, alright fine"
"YESsSS!!'' Vincent pumps his fist in the air excitedly.

A/N: sorry if this is hard to follow, it's pasted from my google docs

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