『spoder 』

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"WHAT!!!" Zak yells at his roommate from the other room.

"JUST GET OVER HERE, YOU MUFFIN!" Darryl yelled back at him.

"Mhfft fineee" Zak grumbled, sitting up from his gaming chair. He ran his fingers quickly through his hair as the walked into the other's living room.

"Ughhh, what do you wanttt, Darryl" he wined, but then stopped flat in his tracks at the sight before him.

"Uhhhh, Darryl? Why adre you ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍standing on the couch?"

"ShuT oP yOu mUFfiN aNd hELp mE oUT hERe!!!!!!" screeched Darryl, pointing frantically at what Zak has thought was a loose coin, but upon closer inspection was actually a spider .

"A wider? That's what you're scared of? Just kill it or put it outside or something" he said with a laugh.

Darryl glared At him. "Come on dude, I totally hate speidres. You know that!"

"Oh come on, it's literally the worlds smallest spider" Zak gestured at the black dot on the floor. "Just pick it up"

"But I hate spiders! You do it!" Darryl yelled, still standing on the couch.

Zak sighed. "Okay, Darryl, just c a l m d o w n" he walked over to his roommate.

"Just pick up the fricking spider and put it outside so I can go back to my stream"

Darryl sighed. "B-but I don't want to touch it! Can't you just kill it or something?"

"I'm not going to kill a spider! Spiders eat mosquitoes, so they're good. Why can't you just put it outside?" Sid zak, trying to make a point.

Suddenly, they're arguing was interrupted by some barking. Rat was barking and pawing at the spoder, much to Darryl's dismay.

"Oh my goodness! Get her away from it, what if it's poisonous!"

"Seriously it's just a spider!" Said zak.

"Can you please just pick it up" Darryl said with a socgh.

"Alright you muffin" Zak smiled as he walked over to the spot where the spider had been just moments before- Wait, what?

"Uhh, Darryl? Where's the spider?"

And then Zak saw it.

Lucy was trotting around smugly with something black in her mouth.

Darryl's face went white. "Z-Zak? Is that?"

Zak approached the little dog and picked it up. He carefully pried open her jaws.

"Holy shit dude she ATE the spider!" He exclaimed.

The roommates went quiet for a moment.

They made eye contact and suddenly burst into laughter, zaks stream long forgotten.

"Sh-she ate the spider!" Darryl said, doubled over with laughter.

 Sorry about not updating also my writing is really bad but I'm working on a nice and looong one shot I promise

Word count: 438

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