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Warning: Semi-graphic description of wound. Also, minor topic about drug use.

They say, the brain flashes the person's memories throughout his life for 7 seconds before dying. All the sad and good moments, events, and happenings that occured in one's life will appear like a movie. As if it was only a story that was being told that came from a book.

But his, was a different case, there was not a one bit fragment of his memory that he saw sadness as the events flashed through his mind, instead, he saw the most beautiful person who was smiling and laughing with full of life. His eyes went crescent as he squinted, the joy in his face couldn't be hidden. He was happy. Even if he's no longer by his side, he couldn't ask for more, since that person was now truly happy. A thing he'd never seen in a while.

As the man in front of him fades away from his sight, there was a deafening noise that disturbed his calm state. They were somewhat muffled and he couldn't make out the words or what it was. The last thing that he clearly heard before he was about to succumb in the dark was, "Wake up."

• • •

"I'm going out for a walk," he said as he grabbed his dextrose and puts it on the stand with wheels on it. "I'll accompany you," his older step-sister said as she stood up from her chair. "No, it's alright. I can manage on my own. I want to be alone for a while."

"Are you sure?" His sister asked worriedly and he gave her a warm smile. "I'm sure." The man steps outside the hospital room and slowly walked through the almost empty hallway. It's already getting late and only the nurses and some doctors were passing by. He was greeted with nods and he always give it in return.

The man reached at the ground floor of the hospital and gently hums a tune as he walks around. He saw how people in white suddenly came rushing to a room. Some were raising their voice. It caught his attention and couldn't help but go and check what was the fuss about.

Oh, it's the emergency room. He thought. "I wonder what happened. A patient at this hour? Must be an accide-" As he tried to peek on the inside with the thick glassed doors. His pupils shrank at the sight and his breath hitches in his throat. The man froze on his spot and was paralyzed in place.

The person he'd least expect to be here was him and worst cases of all, it was him who was lying on a hospital bed all bloody. His heart made a hurtful churn and not realizing, tears were at the brink of falling from his ghostly pale face.

Snapping from his daze like state, he pushed the ER doors with his force and dragged his dextrose in a hurry. His nerves were beyond shocked and without thinking, his legs brought him to where he was. "Wang Yibo!" He cried like a mad man, others turned to look at him surprise. He quickly approached the almost unconscious person. His eyes were almost close to closing and his breath was extremely haggard and rough. He was obviously struggling how to breathe.

The man was immediately stopped by one of the nurses, "I'm sorry sir, you're not allowed to be here. He's in critical condition-"

"That's my husband! I have the right to get close! I want to see him!" He reasoned out and he was already a sobbing mess. Crying like an idiot in front of everyone in the Emergency Room. He doesn't care about anything anymore, all he wanted to know was Yibo to be alright. To be safe, and be happy. What happened?

"Just let him be at the side, don't stress the patient, look, the blood rose from his dextrose," a doctor said quickly as they operated systematically in attempt to save the dying person. Xiao Zhan's lips quivered as he steps a bit closer but not too close to disturb the nurses and doctors who were treating him. Another nurse helped him with his dextrose to stop it from rising. He his a bit at the sudden pain but tried hus best to keep quiet about it.

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