Chapter 42

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Mahogany's POV

"So the first question is.." I trailed off and pointed to a girl in a full Lily Moore merch.

"Where is Lily?" She asked.

"Lily is at her home." I answered.

"Why isn't she here?" She asked.

"Some things happened with caused her too." I gave a slight smile.

"Next question goes" Nash stole the mic from me and pointed at a slut.

"Why are you so hot?" She twisted her hair around her finger.

"I don't know maybe-" He started.

"Next question goes to you in the Matthew Espinosa merch!" I glared at Nash.

"Why are you guys in two groups. Some are on one side and some are on the other side." She asked.

"Well there were some differences between us." Matt answered.

"Does it invole Lily?" Some one shouted.

"Yes it does." Matt answered.

"Now let's do some truth or dare!" Carter screamed into the mic. We all sat in a half circle so we still faced the crowd.

"I'm going to pass a mic around and say your name then the rest." I said, handed to a girl in the front.

"I'm Emily. Jacob truth or dare." Emily said.

"Dare." Jacob answered.

"I dare you and Mahogany to kiss." She said.

"Sorry but that would never happen." I answered.

"Why not?" She asked.

"Many reasons." I glared at him.

"Then kiss Brandon." She said, I shrugged. I turned to Brandon and leaned in. When our lips met I felt sparks. We both pulled away smiling.

"I'm Kayla. Jack truth or dare." Kayla said.

"Truth." Both Jacks answered.

"Um, when are your songs coming out?" She asked.

"Soon." They answered.

"Amy...Hayes truth or dare." Amy said.

"Dare." Hayes said.

"I dare you to give me your number." She said.

"Ok." He got off the stage and walked over to her. He entered his number on her phone, told her something then returned.

~Skip rest of show to meet & greets~

I walked around the tables and found mine. I at this table with Cameron. I'm gonna die.

"Looks like we're at the same table." Someone whispered into my ear.

"Yes, looks like we are. See ya later." I smiled at him then walked away.

"What happened to Lily?" Jenn and Andrea pulled me into the girls bathroom.

"Well, yesterday-" I explained what happened to Lily.

"Is that it?" Andrea asked, wiping away her tears.

"Well...." I trailed off.

"Tell us!" Jenn demanded.

"Sam told us-" I explained what happened to me.

"Where are the marks?" Andrea asked moving closer to me.

"I covered them us." I took the makeup off my cheek where the bruise was.

"Oh my god! I hate them!" They screamed.

"Let's get cleaned up then go to our tables." I nodded. We all fixed our makeup then went to our tables. It sucked that Brandon had to stay backstage and not be with me. I even put up a fight but nope.

"Look the fat ass arrived." Cameron mumbled but I could hear.

"Looks like the asshole is here." I mumbled back.

Then a girl came over to me. This continued for a while. Person, hug, picture, auto graph, and repeat. I looked around and saw Jacob whispering something to two girls. He pointed over to me and the laughed. He whisper something again but this time they glared at me. Great, more drama. Please note my sarcasm. They got in my line. I keep doing what I had to do with fans til they got up.

"Hi, would you like a picture?" I asked.

"No we don't want a picture with a slut." That hurt.

"Why are you in my line then?" I raised and eyebrow.

"We want a picture with Cameron." The other one answered.

"Well go to the back of his line. You can't see him if your in my line. It's not fair to the others" I explained, she slapped me.

"What's going on here?" Cameron came over.

"She is making us go to the back of the line." She answer then he noticed my cheek.

"Lox are you-I mean why?" He was gonna ask if I was ok. What's going on?

"She called us sluts and won't let us see you." The other girl started 'crying'.

"No I-" I started.

"That is no way to treat fans. Come over here and I will treat you the nice way." He glared at me. They walked over there infront of the other fans. They fans that were waiting stared yelling things.

"Guys stop I'm meeting fans." Cameron yelled at them.

"Sorry guys! Cameron thinks the girls who went in my line so they could see him before you is fair. I never called them sluts by the way. Just so you know I'm not a slut you are. Looks, like I called you sluts now. Whoops!" I shrugged. They stomped over to me. One slapped me while the other punched me. Two security guards came over and pulled them out of the building.

"Now let's get back to pictures!" I yelled, they all cheered. I looked at Matt and gave him a smile. He opened his arms. I ran through fans and jumped into his arms.

"You okay babygirl?" He asked.

"Perfectly fine." I said.

"What about Cameron?" He asked.

"Just said one thing. I better get back. Talk to ya later." I got out of his arms and went back to my table.

"Sorry about that guys." I appologized.

"It's totally fine. That was amazing!" I giggled.

"Now let's keep this party going!" All the fans cheered.

~Skip show~

"I will meet you guys upstairs in a couple minutes. I forgot my phone." I told Matt.

"Do you wants us to wait?" He asked.

"No, I will be fine." I replied.

"M'kay see ya when you arrive." I smiled.

I walked back to the backstage area. I looked around and found my phone under the couch. I started going out the door when I was tackled. I looked up and saw the two girls from earlier. Great.

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