Every story needs a beginning

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There I was again... no relief from this constant torture... not even within my dreams. At least- I think I'm dreaming... I can't always tell anymore. It's all too similar; the cold, the pain, the fear... it's never-ending. The only thing that differs is-



The door came bursting down in a blast of pure white energy. It was comforting, familiar, the one good thing that comes from me being in this place. From within that light comes the three men. Nothing like the men who poke and prod at me while I hang here in my chains... they are saviors, rescuers, good men. This much I can tell. And the source of the white light... the man in the trench coat... the angel.

 I could see his halo, shining bright around his head. It appeared to be cracked and dented in places... but still intact, shining strong. I am not sure what that is about, but it gives me something to think over in my many hours here. My eyes flicker over to his wings... absolutely huge and powerful wings that could likely fill the span of this room given they were extended... it was definitely a sight, as was he...

My savior...

My comfort...

My hope...


"GAAAAAHHHH!" I gasped as I was ripped from my place of peace and thrown into that cold, dark room with an icy soaking of water... my daily wakeup call. 

"Rise and shine freak show." Called my usual torturer from the entrance of my cell. "Are you ready to be helpful today?" he added with that ridiculous smile he was so damn proud of. 

"Kiss-s... m-m-my... as-s-s..." I hissed through chattering teeth, holding onto what little defiance I had left. 

I've been in this hell hole ever since my sophomore year of college... grabbed from the campus streets one winter night by god knows who and dragged to this cell in god knows where.

"Mmmmm... not exactly the answer I was looking for..." my captor drawled on, picking up a knife from his rolling cart of toys.

"And-d will t-there be tort-t-ure now?" I shuddered, attempting to maintain composure as I dreaded getting sliced up again in an attempt to release answers I did not have. "I told you, I have no idea what you are asking about. I know nothing."

"Well, with responses like that, I'm afraid I am going to have to insist upon you trying again." My captor chuckles and then lunged at me with the knife. 

I shrieked as the blade slid across my sternum, blood beginning to drip from the fresh wound. Once the initial pain disappeared I was able to laugh bitterly. This was nothing compared to the years of self torture and self harm I subjected myself to throughout high school and college. They were just adding more scars to my collection.

"Castiel...please..." I breathed as the blade continued to cut into me, "...please."


"I'm telling you Dean, this is a case!" I growled, annoyed that the boys would not see reason.

"Listen Cas, until we know more, I'm just not so sure." 

"Not sure?" I retorted, spinning around to face Dean, ending my pacing. "I have been receiving several desperate prayers from this girl for the past two years! Between my time being spent dealing with the apocalypse, getting atomized, leviathans, purgatory, heaven's war, and being here for the two of you at every beck and call... I think its about time I am able to respond to her." I stared at the boys and realized I may have come off as slightly too intense, as Sam was looking like a wounded dog, and Dean just surprised. 

"Well damn Cas, alright, we can look into it." Dean replied and opened up his computer, beginning to type.

"Do you have any idea where the prayers have been coming from?" Sam interjected, ready to get to work. 

I furrowed my brow, "Well, from what I can tell they are somewhere within the general area of Green Bay, Wisconsin." I stated confidently. "The energy that came from that area... I-it's something big. It is very powerful, there will be signs." I added, less confidently. I hoped that there would be signs. 

The guilt that has been weighing over me about ignoring this prayer has been getting worse and worse. I always had another excuse. Whether it be 'It's the end of the world again' or 'the Winchesters are in trouble' I always put off this prayer. The constant beg for relief echoed through my head with a shrill hum. I still did not understand how this girl knew my name, for I had no idea what her's was. 

"Great, just an entire city." Sam sighed and began typing as well. After several minutes of them typing and scrolling, and me pacing back and fourth, Dean perked up. 

"Hey, I think I might have something," He stated and gestured back to his screen and I rushed over to him. "It looks like there have been massive bursts of energy that have ruptured power lines, caused freak lightning storms, hail, building fires, the whole nine yards." He continues, moving to a map. "All centralizing around a set of abandoned warehouses.... right here." He finished and tapped a location on the map.

"Great, let's go." I replied hurriedly, and moved to fly myself and the boys to the location.

"Wait, wait, CAS! Hold on, we need to get some supplies, we don't exactly know what's going on here." Sam interrupted.

"I still don't like that we are flyin' blind here." Dean grumbled and started putting things into his duffel bag. "But if this is that important to you Cas we can check it out. If there is any sign of trouble that we can't handle you gotta zap us outta there and we will regroup, got it?" he added, looking at me with wide eyes and that dominant stare he gives when he thinks he has the ability to order me around. 

"Alright. We pack, then we go."

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