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"I pray to Artemis that we will be with child Eros." Athena turned to her husband. Athena goddess of wisdom, war, art, industry, virgins, justice and skill. Eros her husband the god of love and sexual desire.

"Artemis is a good friend I'm sure she will bring nothing but good news to us." Eros assured his wife. Athena was not one to worry, but it was certain that she wanted another child.

"Ethos won't mind if he has another sibling will he. For so long he has been the baby." Athena placed a hand over her stomach. This would be there fifth child. Her other children Anika, Darius, Xander, and Ethos were all boys. Athena was greatful to have been blessed with so many beautiful children.

"I'm sure they will all thank the heavens for another. It will get us off their back for a while, and they will be free to do as they please." Eros chuckled and Athena smiled. He took her in his arms and kissed her.

"There is nothing to worry about my beautiful wife. When everyone arrives we will get our news. Soon enough." Eros stroked her hair fondly. Eros loved his wife with all his being.

"Mother Nike is here." Anika their oldest son entered the room.

"Thank you sweetheart. Go ahead and get your brothers. All of you need to freshen up." Athena offered him a smile. He would be eight years older than his newest sibling. Hardly any time at all. Some were fourty years older than a sibling. However, after this child Athena will be happy not to have another. Being blessed with so many.

"Mother are you really with child again?" He stood there his hands behind his back. Anika was wise beyond his years. A very gifted boy.

"We will know later today." Eros told his son. Anika nodded.

"I pray to the gods for a sister." With that he left. Eros and Athena looked at each other. They had not considered a girl. They knew that a girl was highly unlikely now and were just expecting a boy.

"Go to your friend. I will take some time to get ready." Eros kissed Athena again.

"Okay lovers break it up. I want to see my best friend." Athena smiled and turned to see her beloved friend Nike. Nike the goddess of victory. She went well with Athena and they have worked together on many occasions of war.

"Hello Nike." Athena's smile still present on her face she embraced her friend.

"Well what do you think this one's skill will be. Maybe he will have sexual desire and woo all the ladies. Wouldn't it be great to have a player son. Imagine if he was paired with skill." Nike winked at her.

"Nike are you dreaming of my son in bed." Athena laughed.

"Well you have been with my brother." Eros stood their looking uncomfortable. Nike's brother was Athena's lover for a short time before he was murdered by Hades. This brother was Eros friend since they were children.

"I'll leave you women be." Eros bowed to the women and left the room.

"Well let's see you have four sons already. Anika the one of wisdom, same blue eyes and blonde hair as his mother. A look the ladies would kill for. Darius the one of war. Headstrong, loyal, devoted. He'll have that bad boy appeal. Looks the same as his brother. Then again they all look the same. Blue eyes blond hair. Xander the one of art. Will have women falling at his feet with his words. And last but not least Ethos. The baby." Nike paused. "For now. The one of love. He will break hearts and have his heart broken. So what could the fifth one be?"

"Nike don't be absurd." Athena looked at her friend with curiosity.

"What will you name it." Nike waved her off.

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