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Tarius had finally caught Aida so it was only right that she gave him his kiss. He started to chase me after Aida told him she would never kiss him again. Tarius however, had forgot why he started chasing her in the first place. It has been a week since Tarius had begun to court Aida. Aida often found herself missing Heatos, but he had left the palace and she did know when he would return.

Aida was currently seated in the training room. Before her was her new lover and a game set. Aida was going extremely easy on him. Just as she finished off his army Anika walked through the door.

"Thank you Hades." Anika told him. Neither Aida or Tarius knew what he was thanking him for or cared enough to ask him.

"I can't believe it." Tarius looked at Aida in disbelief. She had beaten him so easily that Tarius felt his manhood was in stake. He might just have to go get in a fight to make sure his manhood is not in jeopardy.

"Can't believe what?" Anika walked up to the pair. Tarius gave him a rather rude look.

"Don't be rude." Aida looked at Tarius. His head hung slightly lower after that. "He just can't believe that I have once again beat him. Tarius can't except the fact that I have never lost a game."

"Really not even once." Anika found a sudden fascination with Aida.

"Really not even as a child." Anika walked towards the table.

"Do you mind." He asked Tarius. Tarius let out a sigh and stood to let Anika take his place. Tarius was about to say something to Aida gave him a look and he stopped. Tarius left the room grumbling under his breath.

"What is it exactly that you hope I don't mind." Aida put her elbows on the table even though it was extremely rude. She then folded her hands and rested her chin on them.

"I would like to play against you." Anika told her and Aida almost laughed.

"Should we save you the trouble. I do not mean to be rude. But you will lose. You might know a little about tactics because you seem like a smart man but that is as far as you go." Aida told him. Anika was astonished at this girl. She was about eight years younger than him almost nine. Aida practically was a child compared to him.

"I think I shall take my chance." Anika said and he reset the table. "Do you mind if I choose the terrain?"

"Not at all." Aida waved her hand the the scene changed to a beach. The beach had dense rain forest.

"How did you know?" Anika asked her.

"I could see it in your eyes. Now do you want this one or just the rain forest?" Aida looked extremely bored sitting there with Anika. Her bored her for reasons she knew not.

"Rain forest." Anika said hoping to catch her off guard. However, smile on her face told him she already knew.

"Who are you Anika. And I suggest that if you have any questions you ask them now or hold then until afterwards. I will not answer you during the game." Aida changed the scene to dense forest. She could definitely use this to her advantage. It would be easy.

"I'm the son as Athena and Eros. I have no questions for you." Anika stared at Aida. She looked so familiar. In matter of fact....

"Good then we shall begin. You go first." Aida smiled at Anika. Anika made his move. It was a rookie move but Aida wanted his men to come to her.

Aida made her move and her forces hid in the brush waiting for Anika's men. Anika thought that she was unaware of how to play the game really. For who would make such a uneducated move. Anika moved part of his men forward onto Aida's side. Her archers were positioned in the trees and she took out most of his men without being detected. She could have easily taken them all out but she wanted him to think she was inexperienced.

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