Chapter 3: prep for first

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 Class was the same always except the upcoming duel between Elizabeth and kaiyo because after they agreed on the duel the bell rung to 2nd block, The class was still up in flames about and eli cleared and as the class turned silent he turned to his son.

Levi: Ingway, it will be a while before your decoder is ready for you.

Ingway: Huh!?

Levi: But on the upside the government as issue you a personal one, one successfully tailored to you and your psypher.

Class erupted by the news and this only had to the confusion ingway already had.

Female student 1: No way, he's getting a personal one.

Female student 2: Doesn't that the government will collect his combat data.

Ingway: I'm not sure how I feel about this. 

still in shock about what he was told, And moments later Elizabeth appeared in front and Ingway just got annoyed by her presence and slowly turned his head.

Elizabeth: I'm actually glad because it would be unfair if I use my own psypher while you're stuck with a test model.

Ingway: Okay two things, one. You love making yourself known do you? And two. I already assumed you had your own, thank you for clarifying that for me.

Elizabeth: Hm, looks like your nothing complete brain dead but allow me to enlighten me some more, I Elizabeth Eleanor am the wielder of the decoder known as the barretted dragunov.

Ingway: Judging by the name your decoder is a long range one am I wrong.

Elizabeth: Very good I'm surprised you've figured that out on your own, moving on there's only 467 decoders worldwide so naturally those who pilot them are the elites of the elites among the population of 7 billion.

Ingway: Holy shit that's a low number. 

Random female student 3 : That's way because the central core of all decoders has never been truly release and while professor Amaterasu developed every single one she never disclosed how she does it.

Ingway: *thought*Hang on, isn't Amaterasu aiko last name as well.

Random female student 4: Supposedly the core is like a self contained black box and no one other than doctor Amaterasu know how to make it. But recently she's refused to produce a certain number of decoders so other countries,company, and organization had to expand and built their own decoders.

Levi: To complete our little history lesson personal decoders were only intends to be for those sponsored by the government but in your case they made an exception so their giving you this decoder for data collecting purposes is that clear for you?"

Ingway: Yes sir.

Random female student: Um, excuse me sir, do you know if the Amaterasu in our class is related to doctor Amaterasu by any chance?

Levi: Actually your classmate is her younger sister." 

And with that answer that class erupted by the answer.

Random female student: No way she's her sister.

Random female student: I wonder what she can tell us about.

Aiko: She has nothing to do with me, I'm not my sister and there nothing I can tell you about her.

Levi: Ms. yamada shall we continue our lesson.

Levi deciding to drop the previous subject altogether

Ingway: Look there's some bad blood between her and her sis.

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