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I was once a daydreamer
With great ambitions in life
With fair confidence
On every activity that gets my way

The first day of school
And you came looking for trouble
And saw me there
Right through next doors

I was just sitting there
In that cozy room
But when you try to ruin things up
Everything went messy!

Ruining my life
And trying to torture me up
Collars me up
And try to kill me up

I tried to let go
And refused to fight
But all you have to do
Was to bury me alive

I was ashamed to pick a fight with you
Yet you tried to drag me down
And make things worst
Like you were able to destroy my dreams

Cursed that enigma!
Who let me become ashamed in infamous
I tried to take vengeance
But was I powerful enough?

I'll wait for the karma
Hoping you'll have a bad day soon
As you were tryin' to ruin things up
And almost kills my soul

I was just seeking
For success to myself
Nothing else more
From those that I wanted to aim

Oh, how I wish I was invisible to people
So that no one could ever see
Such things
I'll do in the future

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