Headcanons #1

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I got inspired by _Tristy_ to make a headcanons book for The Banana Splits. Now these headcanons are for the tumblr ask blog I made for these guys called The Banana Splits Ask Blog. Okay, let's get started now.


-His full name is Fleegle McBee, weird I know but it's catchy and I refuse to give any of them last names that are their species.

-Is 24 years old which makes him the second oldest of the group.

-Is the only one to go to college and graduate. He majored in engineering.

-Was put up for adoption when he was a pup, so he has no knowledge of his biological family or their whereabouts. Gets adopted by Karl.

-Can play not only the guitar but also the violin, harp, banjo, basically any stringed instrument.

-Gets flustered easily, especially when given affection.

-Needs glasses to see but wears contacts instead.

-Coffee addict


-Full name is Drooper Lopez. Yes he's Hispanic, leave me alone.

-Is 25 years old, the oldest in the group.

-Is an only child, but has a TON of cousins. Like no joke his youngest cousin is like 3 or 4 as of now.

-Did terrible in school, he almost flunked his senior year but luckily Fleegle(who was in his junior year at the time) helped by tutoring him. He tried to do college but ended up dropping out.

-He lived in the countryside until his parents divorced when he was ten and he lived with his mother in the city for most of his life.

-He's blind in his right eye and his left is a lazy eye so he closes both his eyes as he finds it easier then trying to see. He wears sunglasses so people will stop asking him why he's walking around with his eyes closed.

-He's really flexible and can contort his body which scares the sh*t out of Fleegle.

-He occasionally speaks Spanish. Ex. When he's speaking to a family member, when he's in his room singing along to a song, or when he's really angry.


-Full name is Bingo Evans.

-Is 20 years old which makes him the youngest, that's right I'm making him the youngest of the group and you can't change my mind.

-Has a two year old little sister named Beverly.

-He's essentially Spiderman when it comes to swinging on vines.

-Once he discovers the internet there will no escape from his use of memes.

-While he can play a lot of instruments, drums are his favourite and you'll probably only see him play drums most of the time.

-While he's a jokester and pretty optimistic, he actually used to be in a lot of rock bands and still enjoys listening to hard rock and watching gorey horror movies.

-He owns an axe unlike the horror movie Bingo who was suppose to use an axe in the movie. He doesn't use the axe to harm anyone though, he uses it just to chop wood.(And to break down the front door when he accidentally locks himself out)


-Full name is Snorky Patel

-Is 21 years old

-Is very claustrophobic, He can't be in a small room no matter what which is why he never uses his closet.

-Is a terrible at driving, in fact he's so bad that he's driven the car into the house once which made a huge hole in the wall.

-He also isn't good at cooking. The only thing he can cook is microwaved ramen noodles.

-Look he isn't good at a lot of things but he tries.

-He was raised in the circus where he learned to do acrobatics.

-He and Bingo share a love for gorey horror movies. His favorites are the Final Destination movies.

And that's my headcanons for them, that isn't the end though. I still have a LOT of headcanons about these guys and will probably make more chapters.

I hope you enjoyed!

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