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"Eat... What?" Gems didn't really need to eat, and Spinel had never eaten... Well, anything before.

Sans looked puzzled. "Well, my pal Grillbz can cook up a mean burger, if that's your thing." Something told him it wasn't, but he might as well ask.

Curious, (and not wanting to be rude), Spinel excitedly replied, "Yeah! That sounds great!" She began to take a massive step off of the injector, one long foot already half way to the ground.

That was... Interesting... The only monster anywhere close to having those powers was a Pyrope Sans had met in Hotland one time. "Oh, you wanna walk there?" He asked.

She looked at him, confused. "Well, yeah! How else are we s'posed to get there?" She lightly laughed.

Sans shrugged. "Well, I was just gonna use a shortcut, but maybe this is a better idea. After all, it'll give us a chance to tell a bit about ourselves. After all, we did just meet." He winks. "Also, it'd be rude of me not to strike up a friendly conversation with the person I'm takin out to lunch." He teleported next to her. "Aight, shall we?"

They walk for some time, snow falling from the ceiling of the underground and the snowy trees. They exchanged casual conversation, and told a bit about themselves, such as what their favorite color was, their hobbies, all of the casual small talk stuff. However, Sans purposely didn't ask anything about her family, or where she was from... He didn't wanna hit a sensitive nerve or anything. Besides, now was too soon to ask something like that.

They come across a bridge, blocked off by wooden bars.

"Uh, hey Sans?" Spinel asks. "What's with the bars? Are y'all tryin to keep someone out?" She got slightly worried. Was this a warzone of some sort?

"Oh that." Sans replied. "That would be my bro's handiwork. It's one of his many attempts to capture a human. He's a human hunting fanatic."

"Oh... Why?" She asked.

"Well, ever since he learned it could make him popular, he's wanted to join the Royal Guard. And he thinks if he captures a human, Undyne will let him in, no problem."

"Whose Undyne?" Spinel inquired.

"Oh, she's the captain of the Royal Guard. All the kids look up to her. She's like a hero in the underground."

"Oh..." Spinel looked down. "Say... I'm not gonna get attacked down here, am I?"

Sans furrowed his brow bone. He pretended to think for a minute. "Hmm.. nah, you shouldn't have an issue with anybody here. You're not human, right?" He asked, already knowing the answer.

Spinel's face seemed to sour. "No, I'm not." She said. "Damn those stupid idiots." She mumbled, just barely loud enough that Sans heard it.

Upon hearing this, Sans decided not to press on it. Now wasn't the time nor the place. "Well, anyway, my bro made the bars to wide to keep anybody out, so we can slip right through easily."

They walked the rest of the way to Grillby's in silence. When they arrived, they both stared at the sign for the store.

"Welp. This is the place. Should be nice and warm in there too, I know you're probably freezing." Sans said.

Spinel didn't even seem to notice the temperature difference as they walked in. After all, temperature didn't really effect her, being a gem and all.

They walk up to the bar and sit down. Sans's old pal Grillby arrives, and asks how they're doing.

"Hey Grillbz, we're doin alright. Got a newcomer here, never been to your restaurant."


Sans turned to Spinel. "He says hello, he hopes you enjoy your stay."

Sans x Spinel (Part 11 Out!)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang