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Walking through Hotland, Sans couldn't help but think of the situation he was in. On one hand, he was pretty sure he had found the love of his life. But, on the other hand... Who was she? She definitely wasn't human, but... She wasn't a monster, either.

A troubling thought came to his mind. Asgore knows everybody here, he thought to himself. I was able to fool Undyne, but... Will Asgore let her stay? Can I convince him that she's not human? But what is there besides humans and monsters?...

He found himself at the entrance of Alphys's lab. Even though he told Spinel he had to "run some errands," he was really only taking a walk to clear his head.

Welp, I'm already here... I might as well see if Alphy's home.

He knocks on the giant mechanical doors.

"H-hold on!" A female voice calls from the other side. "J-just one minute!"

When Alphys finally answered the door, Sans could tell she wasn't expecting company. Her lab coat was sloppily thrown over a pair of pink pajamas, decorated with little anime girls with cat ears.

"Oh! Hey Sans! I-I wasn't expecting you!" She hastily straightened her lab coat a bit. "Wh-what brings you here?"

He had gotten used to her constant nervousness over the years. At first, he thought he was intimidating to her or something, but she was like that with everyone. "Eh, I was just passin through and figured I'd stop by. Um, do you mind if I come in?"

Alphys fidgeted with her fingers. "Oh! U-uh sure! Did you wanna hang out or s-something?" She stuttered, standing aside to let him through.

"Yeah... If that's alright with you, of course."

She was taken aback. "Oh! O-of c-course it's alright! C-come on in!"

"Thanks, Alphy." He replied as he walked into the lab.

The walls were painted white (a standard lab color,) cluttered with anime posters in random places. To his left, there was a big screen TV, mostly used for monitoring the Underground via the cameras hidden throughout the land. Well, that's what the TV was supposed to be used for... But he was sure Alphys watched quite a bit of anime on it in her free time.

She had ran ahead to a table, grabbing various movie boxes, mangas, and action figures off of the surface, and putting them to the side. She pulled up two chairs, and invited him to sit down.

Taking a seat, Sans gazed at his reflection on the black screen of the unpowered PC. You got yourself into quite a big mess, didn't you, bud?

Alphys scrambled into her seat, folding her hands into her lap. "So, h-how's life?" She asked as she aimlessly fiddled with a small action figure.

Sans sighed. "It's goin pretty good, actually... But..." He decided he needed to ask her about Spinel. Not directly right now, but... "Hey, I got a question."

"O-oh? What's your question?" Alphys asked.

"So... You know how there's... Humans and Monsters, right?"

"Well, y-yeah, of course! Humans are the ones that l-locked us up! W-why do you ask?"

He sighed again. "Well, this might sound weird... But... Is there any other race out there?"

Alphys's face suddenly lit up a bit. "Like, beyond our planet?" She asked.

He let out a small gasp. I never even thought about that! He thought to himself. Now that he thought about it... There was so many signs! It'd explain why even food was foreign to her... Does this mean she's an...

His thought was cut off by Alphys. "Say... Does this have anything to do with that g-giant drill that came in f-from the surface?" She inquired suspiciously.

He got defensive. "Well-" And them, he just sighed. "Look. This is all gonna sound crazy, but... Yes. It has everything to do with that drill. And I'll explain everything I know to you. But first, let me start off by saying... She's not a human, Alphys. I can promise you that."

"S-sans, what are you talking about? Whose 'She'?"

He could hear the worry in her voice. "Alright, I'll start from the beginning."

And he told her what had happened. His first encounter with Spinel, how foreign everything seemed to her, how easily she broke down. He decided to leave out that teensy-tiny part about how he was dating her... Even if she didn't arrive in the Underground via a giant drill digging through the ground, it might sound a bit odd that they started dating on the first day they met each other... Heh. Now that I think about it... That might've been a bit hasty. But could anybody blame him? He had felt... Empty, before he met her. She brought out more life in him than he'd ever experienced.

Alphys's face was stuck in a constant "O" of shock. Finally, after he finished telling his story, she spoke. "S-so... She's not from Earth..."

"No..." He replied. "Probably not..."

Stuck in her train of thought, Alphys continued. "So if she's not from Earth, that must mean... O-oh my God!" She suddenly looked up from her lap at Sans. "She's an alien!"

In normal circumstances, he would've laughed. But this was serious. It was about his Spinel. "I guess... Yeah, I guess she is."

"This is amazing! Various humans and monsters have spent their entire lives trying to prove the existence of alien life, and it just walked right up to us!" Her stutter practically vanished whenever she was talking so passionately about something. "Just think of all the advancements in technology we could make with it! Not to mention the other knowledge... We could... G-gain... With it..." She paused, her stutter instantly returning as she withdrew from her rant, and looked at Sans, who was staring down at his feet. "H-hey, S-sans... What's the matter?"

He was silent. He came here for help, and all he got was a scientist ranting and raving about his girlfriend like she was some damn animal. But, could he really blame her? From a scientific point of view, this discovery was fantastic. But he didn't care about the science of it. What if they ran tests on her? What kind of tests would they be? Would Alphys really do that? Would Asgore really authorize something like that?

"Alphys... Please... Don't tell anybody about this. Not yet."

"But Sans! Th-this is an amazing discovery that could b-benefit all of monsterkind! We can't just keep it a secret!"

He snapped. "And just what do you intend to do with her? Huh? You gonna run a bunch of test on her? You gonna dissect her? And if you fail, what're you gonna do? Are you gonna lock her away like you did all those monsters?!"

She was shrunk down in her chair, mouth agape. The skeleton had never snapped on anybody before, let alone his friend! "S-s-s-... Wh-wh-wha?... I-I..."

His eye sockets opened wide. Oh fuck... What did I just do?... "I'm sorry, Alphys... This just... It means a lot to me, okay? For once in my life, I don't feel... Nevermind. I don't expect you to understand."

There was a few moments of awkward silence. How exactly were you supposed to continue a conversation after that?

Sans got up, walking towards the exit. Then, he suddenly stopped for a brief moment. "Just let me get everything sorted out, Alphy. I'll tell Asgore. Just... Give me time..."

And with that, he exited the lab. Despite going there to clear his head, he now had plenty more to think about than when he had arrived...

Sans x Spinel (Part 11 Out!)Where stories live. Discover now