The Days with Jade

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(Next Morning)

I woke up pretty early in the morning since I was so used to it in the Spec ops. The first thing I do is take a long good jog, then a warm shower, after that, I cooked food for me and Jade. Daryl explained to me her back story and turns out she was rescued from being sold by a gang of slave traders, her family was ruthlessly slaughtered and she was raped over and over again, so I understood why she doesn't trust me that much. After cooking, I saw Jade at the stairway looking at me judgingly. The food was already done and just needs to be eaten so I invited her " Hey, C'mon foods ready" "How do I know that isn't full of poison?" She asks me with a glare " why would I poison you? I'm not a murderer, I'm a soldier" "What's the difference?" She asked accusingly " We fight for peace, the other has a mental illness" I answered back without looking at her, she simply "Hmmp"ed back

She sat on the chair and scooped a spoonful of the food, she examines it carefully before stuffing it in her mouth, a few seconds later, her eyes were full of stars and began stuffing her face with the food I cooked, which made me chuckle. After we finished, I picked up the messy plates and was about to leave for the sink, only for me to feel a hand on my shoulder " I don't trust you, but I am comfortable around you now" I looked back and saw Jade with a (Tsundere) pout " You have been rather, nice, so far, so I might as well try to get used to you" she tells me, to which I replied " Alright, tell me when you need something alright? If you need me i'l be in the kitchen" I said before I went to wash the dishes

(Timeskip, a few hours later)

After I washed the dishes, I did the usual things in the house, do some chores, relaxed (though I can't really since I had PTSD) and watched television, while Jade simply holed up inside her room, there was nothing in there other than a couple of books and a small TV with no cable attached to it, so I had no idea what she was doing at this hour. Two hours have passed and it was already 8:00 pm, I had already cooked food for the both of us and it was now time for dinner. I walked upstairs to her room and knocked on her door "C'mon Jade, dinner's ready" she opens the door and slithered past me without any greetings. We are and after, she simply went back to her room and slept. After I washed the dishes, I hit the bed too

(Many Days later)

It has now been a couple of weeks, and she has now warmed up to me and trusted me abit. She now often watches TV with me and helps me with chores with her own will, but I can still tell she doesn't fully trust me. She was sweeping the house (out of her own will, she said "I want to repay your kindness") and I was cleaning my rifle until I got a text from Daryl

- - - - -

Daryl: Heya! So, what happened in the recent days?

(Y/n): Pretty fine, she somewhat trusts me and helps around the house

Daryl: That's great! Though, I think it would help you both if you were to go outside or something

(Y/n): What do you mean? Like a. . . Date?

Daryl: Well, if that's what you would like to call it, but I was thinking, just some normal bonding time, after all, it might help you two overcome your fears. Her fears of Humans, your fear of being assaulted out of nowhere, and for us, we might get another satisfied customer

(Y/n): I will definitely not do that! She may have looks, but she doesn't trust me enough to go out!

Daryl: But how would you know? She might say yes, she might say no, dude you gotta do this. If you do this one, I'l promise again that I won't be bothering you for the next days

(Y/n): You and your stupid promises, you're like that Japanese woman Smith

Daryl: What can I say? We are somehow related

(Y/n): Ugh, idiot, fine, I'l do it JUST this once

Daryl: Great! I'l surely get that raise! Now I can brag to Smith I got a higher paycheck than her!

- - - - -

I closed my phone and took a loud sigh "Damn it" I looked at Jade and she was just finished cleaning, so I might as well ask her now. I stoop up, placed my rifle back on its stand and walked up to her. She noticed me and looked at me "What?" She asked " Hey, would you mind if we go out tomorrow? We could go places that you want" I told her, she looked at me suspiciously "Is this because of the program" she asked "Nope, just me wanting to go out with you tomorrow" I lied to her, telling her the truth would make me look like I was forced on the Job, though I was, I am liking it, as much as I hate to admit it

"Huh, fine, what time?" She says, seems like she's up for it, but I can't help but notice the slight blush on her face and how she was avoiding my eyes " Maybe at 1:00 pm, we could go to the mall, perhaps watch a movie or something, anything you want" I said without even thinking about it, it seems like I am subconsciously liking it too "ok then, I guess i could use some new set of clothing, would you mind if I could use some of your money?" She asks while looking down. I was expecting this, she doesn't have a job and the only clothes she had were a few donated ones from the Program, and she doesn't have money "It's alright. I got plenty in the bank right now, and more to come, buy anything you want" I say. I yawned and noticed it was already nighttime, I also saw Jade let out a cute yawn "Well, time to hit the hay, good night Jade" I say as I went straight for my bedroom, preparing myself mentally for tomorrow's "date"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2020 ⏰

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