broken part 1

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After the death of Emperor Palpatine, the defeated Imperial forced pulled back to their capital world, the planet Bastion, and called a truce with the New Republic. The Galactic Civil War was at last brought to an end, and peace flourished for decades. The Jedi, under Luke Skywalker, again became agents of that peace across the galaxy.

A race of extra-galactic aliens, the Yuuzhan Vong, shattered that peace by invading the galaxy, killing trillions and devastating entire worlds. A Galactic Alliance of remaining systems, the Jedi, and the Imperial Remnant finally defeated the invaders, exiling them to the planet Zonama Sekot.

As a century passed, a new breed of the evil Sith grew strong in hiding. Led by Darth Krayt, the Sith finally emerged and formed an alliance with the newly re-forged Empire. Together they manufactured an incident that sundered the Galactic Alliance and began a brutal new war. The Jedi alone remain to defy the Sith, and now they are few in number.

However, the name SKYWALKER still burns among the Jedi. 130 years after Luke Skywalker destroyed the first Death Star, his name remains a legacy of hope in a galaxy of darkness, but will this new Skywalker alone be able to combat the darkness or will another hero rise to bring back the light.

I have broken the spine of the galaxy. Nearly a hundred years ago, the Yuuzhan Vong invaded, plunging the galaxy into deep chaos, bleeding and weakening it. Patient in the Force, I waited, as the darkness grew darker. I watched as the invaders, finally defeated, were allowed to live in exile on the sentient planet Zonama Sekot. A folly designed by the Jedi, but ultimately, that too served my purpose. Lingering hatred festered on worlds that had suffered heavily at the hands of the Yuuzhan Vong. That hatred gave us our opening. I made an alliance with the reborn Empire at Bastion. We manufactured a cause for war, making the Vong seem responsible. Split, the Galactic Alliance began to fight itself. And so died. I know the Jedi from old they could never share my vision. Two days ago the Jedi Temple on Coruscant fell today, at their academy on Ossus, the last of the Jedi will die. Sometimes, things must be broken in order to be rebuilt. As I have bent the Force to my will, so I will bend the galaxy and it will know order. My true work is about to begin. ~ From the holocron of Darth Kraayt, Lord of the Sith


Jedi Temple on Ossus

Ossus was in chaos, once a academy for future Jedi now a battleground overrun with Sith. The Jedi were caught completely by surprise with few trained Jedi to defend it and to make matters worse Imperial Stormtroopers were there backing up the Sith.

"Cade, you, Cain, and Shado get those younglings on the shuttle now and get off planet. Your father and I will make a stand here." Ordered a male Zabrak with long black hair, using his green lightsaber to cut down any Stormtroopers that came near the shuttle. This was Wolf Sazen one of the few remaining Jedi masters on Ossus. "They're coming, Kol," he said, turning to a red haired human. This was Kol Skywalker, Jedi master.

"I sense them, too, Wolf. We hold them here. There's no escape from the landing pad except with the shuttle and no way to the shuttle but through us." Kol said grimly, preparing to face the onslaught. Then a young boy with blond hair, wielding a blue lightsaber appeared cutting down a nearby Stormtrooper. This was Cade Skywalker, son of Kol Skywalker newest in the Skywalker line of Jedi.

"Why are you still here, padawan? I gave you instructions." Wolf said, deflecting the incoming blaster fire.

"Shado doesn't need me to fly the shuttle, master." Cade argued. "You and dad are going to need me more."

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