「The Beginning (pt. 1)」

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"My name is Elizabeth Bloodrose Shadowhearth, well you probably know if you are reading this. As of now, I am seven years of age. And yes, I am a demon. But don't leave me please, I promise I am not like the others. I just want to live in a peaceful world, and someday be a hero! Well, enough of my nonsense. Enjoy my story."


I was born seven years ago on October 31 of the year 1397 A.C. When my mother brought me into this world I was scared, I wouldn't stop crying. Everything around me felt cold until I felt the warmth of my mother's soft hands. Everything felt safer and I stopped crying. My mother had the most comforting smile on her face, her ruby red eyes contrasted with her black hair. But enough of that, nothing happened until the year 1399 A.C. I was two years old then.

»»————-November 15, 1399 A.C————-««

It was late afternoon. Father was out hunting for food while my older brother and I were finding ways to entertain ourselves. Pattycake got boring, so did a bunch of other things. With my "genius" ideas, which was my creativity, we started playing with sticks and stones. Sure, it seems dangerous but to us, it wasn't fun if there was no risk.

"Alright, ready Lizzie?" The teen who seemed to be around the age of seventeen called out. His black hair wasn't typically long or short, but it was for sure being blown into his face by the wind. I was holding onto a small but thicker branch that I found around the tree clearing of the city outskirts. My hair was in puffy pigtails and was fairly long for my age. I grew up pretty fast as well, so I learned things at a quicker pace than a normal child.

"Huwwy up, I'm getting bowed!" I replied with a sassy tone as I held up the branch at my shoulders. My brother chuckled and rolled his eyes at my attitude which caused me to giggle quietly.

"1.... 2..... 3...!" He shouted but the second he tossed the rock towards me our mother let out a pained cry from our small but homey shelter. My attention instantly got turned towards the house which caused the rock to hit me in the back.

"ow-- Akane Nii-chan, mommy is hurt!" I cried from all the possible outcomes my brain decided to come up with as a defense mechanism if you could call it one. I had this weird ability to come up with every possible outcome and end of a situation in my mind if I am panicked. My brother instantly picked me up and ran inside so we could check on mother. After Akane saw what was going on he quickly sent me to my room and told me to stay there.

"Akane Nii-chan... Will mom be okay?" Tears were rushing down my face as I didn't understand what was happening and I didn't want to lose my mother.

"Don't worry Lizzie, she will be fine. Do 'Onii-chan' a favor and stay in your room alright?" Akane set his hand on my cheek, it was soft and warm. Out of my affectionate instincts, I nuzzled my cheek into his hand for comfort. Akane knew how much I liked the nickname I gave him, which was "Onii-Chan". I guess that is why he referred to himself as that around me, especially when I was down.

"Alright... I trust you, please help mommy!" I put on a brave face and was filled with hope. In my eyes, I saw Akane as a guardian angel, despite him being a demon like the rest of us. I knew mommy would be okay if my brother helped her! So I waited patiently in my room, laying on the ground with a small blanket that was made by her mother.

Warning: Slightly Mature content up ahead. If you are sensitive to the topic of childbirth skip ahead.

(Akane's POV)

After I calmed my sister down and went to our mother's room, I was beginning to feel uneasy. My tough act was slowly crumbling even though it wasn't likely mother would die or get deathly ill in any way. 'This is going to be a very messy process, but I promised Lizzie that mother would be okay. Come on Akane, you can do this.' I thought to myself as I laid mother down gently on her bed.

"Mother, this is just like when Elizabeth was born. Breathe and push, you will be safe trust me." I said, my voice trailing off with a hint of fear. I didn't exactly know how childbirth worked, I was just trying my best since I witnessed father helping our mother give birth to my little sister.

It was a painful two-hour process since we didn't have the help of professional medics. Mother's screams caused a tear in my soul as I begged the gods for this to end as quickly as possible without her or our newborn sister being hurt. Soon enough mother finally pushed the baby out and I let out a sigh of relief. I grabbed a nearby cloth to clean off my newborn sister as I turned to see our mother laying down extremely exhausted. Soon enough I handed her to mother who cradled her carefully with a smile.

「Childbirth scene over.」

(Linda's POV)

I looked at my healthy baby girl as my son handed her to me. She was crying but I held her nonetheless, comforting her as she got used to her surroundings.

"She is beautiful..." I smile as I look towards Akane with a smile as my baby slowly began to stop crying, her eyes were red just like mine.

"I know right, I have two baby sisters now!" Akane smiled back at me with his prideful smile. He then asked me the question, "What shall we name her mother?"

"I have planned on the name for a while now, I know the perfect name. Her name will be Elenore, Ella for short." I had a warm yet motherly smile plastered onto my face as Elenore was falling asleep in my arms.

"Elenore, eh? Mother, you are the best with names." Akane teased as he was about to walk away. "I will give you space with Ella if you need anything call for me. I will be with Liz." He said as he left the room, giving me time with my baby girl.

(Elizabeth's POV)

I have waited for what felt like an eternity for Akane to come back. But in reality, it was only two hours. I was playing with my two dolls in an attempt to keep myself occupied and pass the time. I was startled when I heard my door open. I turned and to my surprise, Akane was standing there which resulted in my eyes glimmering from his presence.

"Akane Nii-chan!" I shouted happily as I got up to run over to him. I threw myself onto Akane and hugged him tightly with a few happy tears trickled down my cheeks. Just by how he entered my room I knew mother was okay because if she wasn't Akane would have had a much darker presence. Akane can be very scary sometimes, take my word for it.

"Mother is alright, I promised." Akane smiled to me which caused me to shy up a bit. I was really close to my brother and he knew it. He carried me like I was a baby, his warmth was very comforting. I felt the safest around him.

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Writer's note: I tried to find a place to stop where it wasn't much of a cliffhanger since I am getting tired of writing and already wrote over 1000 words. I will also probably be taking a break on my other story, "Separated by Time" as this story is on the top of my priority list.


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