Chapter 3: The Search

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Author's note: I won't make Edmond the traitor in my story, and this is going to be different than the original since I'm the author of this story. I still hope you've enjoyed it so far, and I hope you'll bear with me as we continue on this magical journey together! Thank you!

After a brief explanation of what happened, the remaining three Pevensies all had different thoughts about it.

Peter was freaking out. He didn't want to believe Lucy was in a stranger's house having a tea party with her.

Susan was skeptical about the 'winter wonderland' Leah was telling her about. She especially didn't believe her when she mentioned Mr. Tumnus being a faun.

Edmond, on the other hand, was intrigued.

"Winter wonderland? Faun? We must go explore this place! Finally something to do other than sitting in that boring room we were in!"

Peter was indignant.

"How is it that you're not concerned about your own sister?" He cried.

Feeling offended, Edmond shot back.

"Don't you want to explore this place? It's intriguing and fun in the same time! C'mon, you've gotta admit it!"

Seeing the two brothers argue again made Leah feel furious. Her new best friend just got kidnapped and the two still have time arguing with each other. She exploded for the first time.

"Stop!" She screamed. "Peter, it doesn't help anything if you don't do anything other than yelling at your younger brother here! Also, Edmond, shame on you! Don't you care about your sweet sister for one bit? She's your own sister! Can't believe you two are arguing like children here..... If all of you don't want to help, I'll go find her myself!"

With a huff, she turned her heel around and went back in the wardrobe. She stepped back into the snowy floor and called out.

"Lucy, where are you? It's Leah! If you heard me, please answer me!"

Suddenly, Leah heard a crunch behind her. She whipped around to see the three Pevensie children behind her.

"Leah....." Susan looked at the floor as she trailed off. "First of all, I want to aplogize...... For not believing you in the first place..... Now I can see why it's surprising...... "

"It's alright! I forgive you!" Leah smiled."I also want to apologize for my anger toward you guys back there...... It's not right of me to yell at you two since I know how much you cared for your little sister......... " She looked at Peter and Edmond.

"No, I should be the one apologize." Peter begin. "I should be the most mature person in a stressful situation like that. I'm sorry."

"I should also apologize..... " Edmond said quietly. "I should be more caring toward Lucy...... Not acting like a jerk like I previously was...... "

"Don't worry. It's understandable Edmond. Also, you're forgiven Peter. Just..... Try to get along okay?" Leah spit out her tongue in a playful manner. All of them shared a laugh before they continued on.

"Oh before we proceed." Edmond said before bringing something out from behind his back. "Since we'll be dealing with winter, it's necessary that we all bring a coat."

Everyone grabbed a coat for themselves as the they put it on them. It's a bit big, but it's doable. They continued to trek in the snow as they called loudly.


"Lucy! Answer me! Please!"

"Lu, where are you?"

"Lucy, please answer if you hear us calling for you!"

Just then, the bush below Leah's feet rustled. Feeling fearful, she jumped behind Edmond for protection. Much to his embarrassment.

Just then, a beaver popped out of the bush. It stared at the children as it spoke.

"T..... The prophecy is being full filled! Ha ha! Narnia is saved!" He cried.

The children, except Leah, looked at him with bewilderment and surprise.

"What prophecy are you talking about?" Leah asked. Mr. Beaver put a paw in front of his mouth signaling her to be quiet.

"We'll talk more as we go to my house. The forest is full of spies who work for the White Witch. Come with me."

Armed with more questions, Leah and the Pevensies followed Mr. Beaver to his dam.

His dam was made of nothing but woods. The children had to bend down to get in since he build it pretty low. The size was meant for beavers anyway, so it was normal for the dam to be short. Once inside, the children could smell the delicious aroma of something cooking in the air. Leah's stomach mercilessly grumbled much to her embarrassment.

"Hungry are we?" Mr. Beaver laughed. Leah nodded with a flustered cheek. Pretty soon, Mr. Beaver's wife Mrs. Beaver served them some stomach filling food.

After supper, the children kicked back their chair in content as Mr. Beaver told them of the prophecy and where they are. When Mr. Beaver finished, there was silence in the air. All the children couldn't believe what they heard and saw. First they were in a land called Narnia, and second, they're the prophesized children destined to save Narnia. And third of all, Lucy could be imprisoned by the White Witch.

Finally, Leah spoke.

"If Lucy's in danger, we'll need to save her as soon as possible! Before Narnia fall into ruin that is....... " She trailed off. Then she felt someone putting their hand on her shoulder. She turned around and saw Edmond and his two other siblings.

"We will bring Lucy back. No matter how much it costs. Right guys?" He asked his siblings.

Susan and Peter nodded in agreement. Leah gave them a smile of gratitude. Suddenly, the roof shook. Mr. Beaver gasped.

"Quick! We've been discovered!"

The whole house was in an uproar as they tried to escape.

"What happened?" Leah asked as they rushed out of the secret passageway of Mr. Beaver's house.

"One of White Witch's allies discovered you guys and are after y'all. Quick, come this way!" He directed calmly.

Edmond grabbed Leah's hand as she suddenly froze. Then she followed Edmond.

Why is he being so intimate with me? Leah asked herself curiously. Then she had to push that thought away since they have to focus on saving their own lives at the moment.

All Because Of Five Children, The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe AdaptationWhere stories live. Discover now