The beginning

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Muriel NSWF Story

Muriel seemed a little ansy today, in the morning we were making coffee together, like we usually have in the 8 months we have been in a relationship. We had made a great pair, and we got healthy distance every week when I would to help Asra every week. He was perfect for me, we were very slow and went at a pace we both respected. The farthest we have gotten was a heated make out session on a few special nights. He was so new to everything, I was too, but I knew the basics by reading some 'questionable' books in the palace library. But he seemed to be oblivious to pretty much everything to do with romance and relationship stuff. I could tell he wanted to engage more, and Asra would tell me in secret that Muriel came to him often for relationship advice and questions. Learning about this was quite cute and it made me happy to know he was trying his best to learn and keep up with me. Muriel often acted strange as well, because of his innocence in the relationship category, whenever I would try something new, he would be confused, but soon to come to love it. Also, he would be pondering a lot of the time, I'm not sure what, but he always acted strange when he was. Today, however, was much different than before. "Is everything okay?" I asked reaching my hand out to touch his arm gently. He took in a sharp breath and flinched away, looking directly into my eyes, and shooting them away as fast as they came. He turned his head away from me. "Are you okay?" I asked again, more gently this time, setting my hands on the counter in front of me, leaning forward and trying to make eye contact once again. "I-I'm okay" He mumbled, shivering a little and looking away again. "Is it okay if I go to see Asra today? I promised him I would come, but if I need to stay with you, I can" I spoke softly, tugging at the pest draped around his shoulders gently. He nodded slowly and seemed to relax a little. He turned towards me and smiled, it was a strained smile. But I didn't push with any more questions. I started to gather my things, going over to my bed laid on the other side of the room and packing my usual supplies. Muriel watched me from the kitchen, looking at me softly and smiling ever so slightly. "I'll be back by nightfall, I won't stay too long" I said, pulling my bag over my shoulder, and smiling to Muriel. He smiled lightly and nodded. "I'll be waiting" he said softly, moving towards me to wrap his massive arms around me into a hug. I nuzzled my nose into his neck and breathed in his deep scent of earth and Myrrh. He sighed and leaned back, setting his hands on my waist and blushing as I looked directly into his eyes once more. "Y-You better get going" he stammered, pulling his hands off me and turning to the side, I chuckled. "Okay, I'll see you later" I smiled wide and opened the door. Leaving for Asra's shop.

It was a long day, for me and Asra both. I had only stayed for about 5 hours before I had headed back to the cottage, but in that time me and Asra shopped around for many things, mostly magical items, but I had also found a very nice pair of gloves for Muriel, in which I had bought on the spot. It was quite early for me to arrive back home, I had expected to be home much later, but Asra insisted I give the gloves to Muriel as soon as possible. I looked above me in the dense forest, the trees bundled together very tightly. The sun told me it was about 5 o'clock, I've been traveling for about an hour now so I knew I was close to the hut. I soon found my way, the brown cottage in my sights. I sighed with relief and walked up to the door, but as I approached, I heard a soft grunt. I didn't think much of it, as I opened the door slowly. I saw Muriel standing very erect, facing the far corner of the hut. "I'm home early!" I exclaimed, setting my bag onto the table and smiling, Muriel didn't turn around. "Is everything good?" I asked, walking slowly over to him. He nodded his head, he moved his hands forward to his stomach and held them there, I couldn't see his expression however. I walked closer, my footsteps creaking on the wooden floor. "Don't come any closer" we warned, he seemed stern, but nervous as well, a small waver of his voice at the end of his sentence. "Why not?" I asked, stopping my movements. His head turned to face me a little bit more, but then turned back around. "I-I" he stuttered, swallowing slowly. I didn't listen to his warning and I took a step closer, "if something is wrong you can tell me, you can trust me" I said, reassuring him as best I can. "I'm not really supposed to tell you about this" he said slowly, not budging. He was very nervous, I could tell as he shivered. "Why not?" I asked, more confused than ever. "What are you not supposed to tell me?" He was seriously starting to concern me, what wouldn't he tell me? Did I do something wrong? I moved closer, up until he was in my arms reach. I reached out and touched his bare back, I felt him shiver against the feeling of my warm fingers, but he moved towards them. "Did you just really miss me or something?" I asked, stepping closer and closed the distance between us, my stomach and breasts pressed against Muriel's back. I could feel him heat up and his ears turn red with embarrassment. "Could you turn around? I missed you so much I just want to see your face" I said, hinting too something far more inappropriate than we have ever done before. He took in a deep breath, and turned to face me, turning around slowly. I looked him in the eyes and smiled, he smiled back through his blush. I leaned into him again and he quickly grabbed my shoulders and looked away. "I-I dont think that's a good idea" he stammered, blushing more than I have ever seen him blush before. "Oh" I said, blushing as well, moving my hand to his side, and stroking his ribs up and down slowly. "Do you want to-?" I asked gently, moving closer. He looked into my eyes, they were glossy with need. "I-I" he said, moving his hands into my hips, and pulling me in, against his stomach as I felt something hard, poke my stomach gently. I blushed and looked at him once more, he nodded slowly, reaching for my other hand as he pulled me gently to his bed. "I-I've never-" he said, stopping mid sentence. "H-Have you?" He asked, looking into my eyes, I shook my head. "I wouldn't want to with anyone other than you" I smiled, blushing still. He chuckled and pulled me into his lap. He nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck as I sat gently on his length. I moaned gently as I nestled onto him. He clenched his hands on the back of my shirt. I decided to take a leap and move my hips gently, and I got a amazing response. "O-oh gods" he whispered, moaning gently into my neck and nuzzling deeper. I giggled and rolled my hips again, harder this time.

(I Will update this again when I can!!)

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