jocks || jonah marais

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jonah marais... high school jock from stillwater, minnesota.

an errogant, egotistic... jock

i guess that's all he'll ever be. 

|| *** ||

one day, you were walking home after school after an extremely long day.

you just cannot wait to be home, curled up in the blankets, and going on yet another netflix binge. 

but... your trip home gets minorly delayed as you barge into somebody while walking on the sidewalk.

he was a fairly tall guy... about 6'1 to be exact. holding a gym duffle bag, looking like he's getting ready to head off to baseball practice. 

i'm sorry... here, lemme help you ". he says, putting his bag down and helping me gather my things.

uhm, thanks? ", you say awkwardly running off, leaving him alone once again. 

your social anxiety kicked in at a thousand miles per minute. you wanted absolutely nothing to do with him.

wait, i didn't catch your name! ", he yells, trying to get my attention after walking away. 

well good... because he never caught your eye.

and then you see him walk off with his friends, who are most likely jocks, too.

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signing off, emily :)

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