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What do the ninjas think of Scorpios?

Author: I don't know about others, but usually Aquariuses are attracted to Scorpios

Skylor: I'm not

Lloyd: Wait who here is a Scorpio?

Garmadon: Me

Nya: You're a Scorpio? Wow... 

Jay: You learn something new everyday haha!

Zane: They must be very intelligent people

Kai: Doesn't let emotions control them

Cole: Unless their really angry, like really

Garmadon: Like before I became the sensei

Lloyd: Well if you're a Scorpio like my father, you're a great person

Kai: They also say that Scorpios are great at you know what

Nya: Kai!

Misako: I can agree with that

Lloyd: Mom!!!

Author: 0-0 wow... 

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