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What do the ninja think about Capricorns?

Jay: Aren't they supposed to be like really book smart and like always stressed?

Cole: I heard that they love romantic things

Lloyd: This is starting to sound like my mom

Misako: Well I am a Capricorn

Scales: But she's not the only one

Nya: Scales?


Zane: Hello Scales, when did you get here?

Scales: Not that long ago, I got an invite from the Author

Author: *waves*

Jay: Looking at the two of them, they don't really have any similarities

Nya: You're just saying that because Scales is a Serpentine

Jay: Okay, so?

Zane: I think I sense a few similarities

Cole: Which are?

Zane: They'll do anything to protect who they love

Scales & Misako: Oh that's true

Jay: Oh I guess you're right

Lloyd: I wonder if all Capricorns are like that

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