Chapter 12: Adrian's Tavern

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After leaving the music store, I followed my friends outside where Penny stood near the alleyway consoling a blind homeless woman

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After leaving the music store, I followed my friends outside where Penny stood near the alleyway consoling a blind homeless woman.

The old woman has wild gray hair, burnt peach skin, and freckles. As for her attire, she wears a small pair of black sunglasses, a dirty black dress, and light gray socks. 

Curly brown hair founded near her neck as Penny's dark eyes stares at the woman's traumatic face.  

She wears a dark maroon hoodie, skinny jeans, and white Keds. Her babyface brightens when she sees me moving toward her. 

"Aria!" she signed in delight. "It is so good to see you!" 

I giggle as she threw her arms around my neck. "Nice to see you too, Penny!"

Nadine and Marco exchange unusual looks.

"How do you know each other?" Nadine asks me.

Oh, God.

"Well," I began sheepishly. "After the parade, I slept at Theo's place for the night."

Marco's eyes widen in pure shock.  "You did what ?"

I bowed my head in shame. 

You just had to blurt that out, didn't you Aria?

"Why didn't you tell us?" Nadine hissed as she walks up to me. "Or text us, Aria? We were so worried about you!"

"I know, I am sorry." I chuckled nervously.

Marco squints at my face. "Why did you go to Theo's apartment? He could have killed you!"

I set my jaw. "Theo didn't hurt anyone."

"Oh, really?" Nadine crosses her arms defiantly. 

"What makes you say that?" Marco pressed.

"Are you dating him?" 

"No!" I exclaim, shaking my head. "I only slept on his couch, that's all."  

Speaking of sleeping on Theo's couch, Penny quietly reaches inside her pocket then hands me my cellphone. 

"You left this at Theo's place," she gestured, offering my phone to me.

The phone case is chipped and its battery is dead. Jesus, I feel like an idiot for forgetting my phone.

Taking it from Penny's hand, I thanked her for keeping my phone safe.

"Why does she have your phone?" Nadine asks me.

"I left it there by mistake," I confessed, tucking the phone inside my pocket.

Marco gives me a grim look. "Aria—"

"Look, do you guys want me to listen to you bitch about my mistakes? I cut him off sharply. "Or are you going to tell me what is going on?" 

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