chapter 1: the journey begins part 1/3

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A person could be seen laying on top a large field of water, not deep enough to drown him, but enough to get his clothes wet.

"Aaaa.....huh?...." The person said.

He began to wake up, and slowly but carefully got up so as to not slip on the water. However, he found himself completely dry, despite being in water. He took his hand out of the water and saw it still dry.

"Now that’s weird..." He said to himself as he got up to stand to his full height, 5 and a half feet tall. The water only reached up to under his knees. All around, he could see nothing but just the water and the calm sky filled with clouds.

Where even am I? This doesn't look like one of my usual dreams or the weird dreams I had. This is new.

"You have made your first step on your journey.” A disembodied voice spoke.

"Huh?!" The person gasped. The voice was soothing, like a guideful spirit that wished to send people towards good fortune. 

The teen looked around to see if anyone was there, only to find no one.

"Where did that voice come from?" The teen asked.

Looking around more he tried to see who had said that but had no luck. He looks around some more and says he finally sees something at a distance, three shapes he sees.

Help? He thought, as he began to jog to the shapes Hopefully to see if it was another person.

-some time later-

After a while, he managed to get close enough to see what the shapes were. Only to be disappointed that it was just a rusted shield, chip sword and a worn out staff. All three were stabbed into the ground.

"This is what I jog all the way over here for?? Well, maybe I can sell them to someone!"

As he reaches towards one of the 3 weapons, a voice calls out again, "Power sleeps within you..."

The teen pulled his hand back as he saw all three of the weapons glow lightly.

"If you give it form, it will give you strength." The voice spoke.

Looking all around, the teen tried to spot where the voice was coming from, but, just like before, couldn't find it. He stared back at the weapons, the voice returned just like before. 

"Choose wisely." It said.

"If you want me to pick, guess I'll pick." The teen figured. Reaching out, he picked up the sword and looked at its detail to see that it must have been through many battles.

"The power of the warrior. Invincible courage. A sword of terrible destruction. Is this the power you seek?" The voice asked. Thinking about it for a moment, he decided to put the sword back and check the shield out.

"The power of the guardian. Kindness to aid friends. A shield to repel all. Is this the power you seek?"

Putting the shield back, he reached for the staff.

"The power of the mystic. Inner strength. A staff of wonder and ruin. Is this the power you seek?"

"Oh man. This is quite a choice to make." The teen mumbled in curiosity. Thinking a bit to himself, he decided to pick up the sword. He held it with both hands in a battle stance.

"Your path is set. Now, what will you give up in exchange?" The voice asked. The teen furrowed his brow in confusion. 

“What? Give up what?” He questioned, unable to recall any mention of this quality. Thinking about it for a while, he looked at the shield and staff, knowing now what it meant.

The teen kept looking at the three weapons, unsure of which one to choose. His hand shook, knowing that he can only choose one.

“Oh, so it wants me to choose my weakest quality... guess I’ll pick...” The teen came to a decision. He reached for the shield and lifted it up. After holding it for a bit, it disappeared.

"You've chosen the power of the warrior." The mythical voice said, "You've given up the power of the guardian." 

"Is this the form you choose?" It asked.

"Yes, I choose this form!" He replied. 

I’ve never been the toughest, but I don’t back down from a fight. He threw himself as the staff disappeared. The clouds also started to fade away as the moon rose to the sky.

"What the-?!"

Yelling loudest he could, the water suddenly became very deep, almost like an ocean grew right under him. As he continued to fall, he barely noticed a floor beginning to form under him.

It wasn't until he slow down from his fall he notice the floor form, after a few seconds the floor was complete and as the teen step his foot onto the ground the floor expanded showing a whole large room.

"Woah!? Ok, was not expecting that...."

Taking a big look around to see how large it was, he failed to notice something slowly forming together by the shadows. As it reached its full height, a strange symbol began to form on its chest.

It took awhile until the teen noticed what was formed.

"What the h-!" The teen shouted. Jumping back, more shadows formed together, spawning more of the same creatures.

"Heart....heart....heart..." The humanoid creatures growled, as they began approaching the teen. 


"Where can I go?"

One of the creatures near the teen jumped at him. Everything slowed down as the teen held his hands in front of him, hoping to defend himself.

W-where can I go? I got nowhere to run or something to defend myself I going to die here?

The grim thought passed the teen's mind however.

...........No.....I'm not going to die here.

"The closer you are to the light, the greater your Shadow becomes..."

There is no way I'm going to die here........

(∆) light…

A light began to engulf the teen as a weapon appeared in his hand. The chip sword returned back to its prime state. Blocking the creature’s attack, the teen slashed through its body and destroyed it. 

The teen backed away from the creatures, unsure of what to do. The creatures began circling the teen slowly approaching their victim. The teen raised his sword, smirking at the creatures.

"If I die here, I leave too many promises unfulfilled… No... I'm going to live!" He roared triumphantl.

"But don't be afraid." The voice began. The teen glanced at his blade for a moment, a spark of confidence and bravery took hold of his mind. He slowly shifted his head towards the creatures of darkness.

"And don't forget..." It continued. The teen took a battle stance and smirked at the visual promise of violence.

"Let's go!" He shouted and charged towards the pack of creatures.


Author note: Hey, this is a fanfic that has been on my mind a lot, after watching some Kingdom Hearts, I'm planning to do a lot more chapters with this. Hopefully, fix some spelling grammars I made on this, but for now I finish up the other 2 parts.

Big thank you to MarioSonic24601, DragonthunderX and DaNkness2178.

Hope you enjoy it!

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