chapter 1: the journey begins part 2/3

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Here is part 2, hope you all are enjoying this so far!

The teen charges at the creatures with sword in hand determined to take them down. Starting off with an upward slash as he takes down one of the creatures with a sword in hand, destroying them as they burst into dark purple smoke.

The creatures reacted by trying to surround the teen but he kept on his feet moving around the platform and dodging the creatures attack to strike back at their openings.

"Come on!" The teen shouted. Jumping back to avoid two of the creatures who crashed into each other. The teen takes the opening to slash them both in one attack but more and more keep on appearing.

"How many of you are there? Feel like this is going to take forever" He taunted, trying to mask his exhaustion. But, after he said those words the creatures began to fade into purple smoke.

"Huh? Where did they all go?" The teen pondered.

"Raaaaaa!!!" A loud roar came from behind the teen.

The teen turned around to see a large shadow creature form and began taking the shape of a giant plant monster, with leaves for arms, sharp teeth and red boxers with white polka dots.

Stepping back a bit the teen was shaking by the appearance of the giant plant monster holding two large empty cages. However the teen continues to stand his ground against the giant.

"I'm not scared of you!" He claimed.

The giant looks at the teen and readies itself for battle. It raises its arm up before swinging it down towards the teen. He dodges to the side as the giant slams one of it’s cages against the platform. Thinking quickly, the teen jumped towards the giant and slashed at it with consecutive strikes.

"RAAAA!!" The giant roared in a frenzy, as it slammed the cages all around the battlefield, the teen jumped narrowly avoiding the cages from the creature, he landed on another platform but the giant began holding its breath, as its body began glowing a red hot color from its stomach.

“What’s it doing?” The teen questioned the monster’s action. Before suddenly realizing what the monster was about to do.

The monster then unleashed hellfire from its mouth, the teen jumped out of the way narrowly avoiding being incinerated by the plant monster.
“Well, you don’t see that everyday.” The teen remarked to himself. The creature turned around, quickly slamming both of its cages on the ground, sending a shockwave. The teen was thrown off by the sudden attack, almost being thrown back to the edge of the platform the teen grabbed onto the edge just in time.

"T-that was close"

Getting back onto the platform the teen returned to his fighting position just as the giant settled down. It glared at the teen, then charged at him but the teen was already prepared to jump out of the way at the most opportune moment. The giant stopped, nearly falling off the platform. Seeing this as an opening, the teen slashed away at the giant’s back which dealt a lot of damage.


The giant jumps into the air and slams its back onto the ground, causing a shockwave that pushes the teen back.

Holding his ground the teen managed to not get thrown off the platform. Noticing that the giant had dazed itself, he attacked again going for quick thrusts and slashing the giant. The giant could feel that it was on its last leg, it once again, it went into a frenzy. The teen was more prepared this time for he dodged the cages and moved in to land the final blow.

"RAA!  RAAaaaaaa....." The monster howled one final time before dropping its cages and falling l on its back. The once mighty giant faded into purple smoke, the teen began celebrating after his victory.

"Huff... puff... Yeah!!! Huff... Take that!! huff... puff..." He cheered while catching his breath, he fell to his knees and took a long breath as the rush of battle began to fade off. After a bit the teen looks around to see nothing else is happening.

"Is that it? I thought there would be more.....why is it so quiet?" He thought aloud, the teen began to stand up again. He noticed the sword he had in hand had disappeared, in fact the very platform he stood on was slowly disappearing.

"W-what? What is happen-huh!?" He gasped in surprise. A shadow was casted below him as he slowly began to sink into it.

"Now what's going on!?"

The teen struggled to free himself, but everytime he resisted the shadows they would simply pull him in further. He looked up and noticed a faint light.

"And don't forget..... You hold the mightiest weapon of all" The mythical voice reminded.

Reaching out for the light the teen tries to but fails to reach it as he was swallowed by the shadows.

"You are the one who will open the door"

Then everything faded to darkness.

"Woah!?" Waking up, the teen looked around quickly to find himself laying under a makeshift umbrella tied between 3 trees that overlooked a hill that had a clear view of a beach.

" was a that was crazy...."

Rubbing the back of his head thinking of what he sees in this dream. How it was so different from his usually weird dreams he had lately.

"Yawn... Man, I'm still tired? Even after that nap....I wonder why I’m still tired?"

Thinking to himself a bit, the teen wondered what it could mean, not noticing the shadow slowly moving up to him.

"Hi, Xen!" said a high pitched male voice.

"Ah!" The teen named Xen jumped up scared as he turned around to see it was one of his friends Sam.

"Dang it Sam, did you have to scare me like that man?"

"Oh come now, I can’t stop scarring you in your daydreams, it's way too much fun!"

Sam just gave a goofy smile as he led back against one of the trees, Xen got up to his feet and dust himself off.

"Yeah yeah whatever, so what brings you here Sam? We didn't have anything planned to do today." Xen asked.

"Oh nothing, just wanted to see what you were up to, was expecting you to be in one of your daydreams, low and behold here you are. Oh, and there is a sale on sea salt ice cream at town." Sam mentioned.

"Sea salt ice cream!" Xen squealed! He quickly ran out of his makeshift nap place, as he sped down a path heading to the town.

"Hey! Wait up!" Sam yelled as he ran after Xen.

The teens ran towards the town in the distance. Becoming small dots in the distance. All but a far away distance, was a man, he watched the two teens run off from his position. All while writing something on a notepad. He wore a black jacket with white bandages with

" he is the one whose destiny has interlink with this part of the multiverse.......we shall see if you are truly worthy Xen..." said a gravelly voice in the distance.

The figure then disappeared as the sun started to set which marked the end of the day. Slowly night started to fade in. Xen’s destiny has been set, will he accept or reject it?

End of part 2 of 3

And there the next part, hope I'm doing alright with this and I hope you're all like this as mist as I did written it, I get part 3 done this week see ya.

Special thanks to: DragonthunderX and DaNkness2178 for helping.

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