chapter 1: the Journey begins part 3/3

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Hello and welcome to the finale of chapter 1, enjoy.


"That will be 1000 yen," a shopkeeper said to both Xen and Sam. Both were in front of a store buying packs of sea salt ice cream. Xen handed the yen to the store owner and began to walk away with Sam, pulling out an ice cream and starting to eat it.

Sam looked at Xen with concern and asked, "Do you have to buy those every time you run out?"

Xen only gave a deadpan look to his friend. He responded, "Of course I do, I love sea salt ice cream! Don't think I can live without it."

Sam just shook his head. He responded, "But you've been eating so much, I'm surprised you haven't gained weight from it."

Xen gave a smug look to Sam while waving his ice cream at his friend.

"Well, I just burn it off by working out or sword fights," Xen replied. They both looked back to the road, Sam with both arms behind his back.

"Guess you're right, Xen, what could ever happen? Not like you're going to split into two beings to make an ultimate weapon!"

Both share a laugh as they continue walking Xen home, sea salt packs in hand. Thinking back to the time when he and Chase first met their ice cream loving friend or to be more accurate, when they found him. It was almost a few months ago when Sam discovered Xen washed up on a nearby beach. He didn't remember much besides the fact that his name was Xen. He was living in town and got used to how things work around here although he lives in his own place. At times Sam and Chase would visit his home to hang out and before they knew it, they all became best friends.

"You're sure you still can't remember anything about where you're from, Xen?" Sam asked. Xen looked at him and shook his head.

"I told you Sam. I just can't seem to recall anything, not even a memory of where I came from. If I did, I would have looked at the library for clues," he claimed. Sam decided not to push the subject further as they were both near Xen's house, small as it is Xen didn't mind the size of it for he preferred the simple things in life. Upon arrival, they both saw Chase training with his shinai sword in front of the house.

"Hi Chase!" Sam shouted. Chase stopped himself mid-swing and turned towards his two friends.

"Hello to you too Sam, Xen" He greeted with a smile as he sheathed his blade. They all bowed respectfully to one another before deciding to chill outside the house. Taking out three bars of ice cream, Xen passed them out to his friends as they felt a gentle breeze brush through their hair.

"Hey guys?" Chase spoke.

"Yeah man?" Xen responded as the three watched the warm orange sun set into the distance.

"Do you ever wonder what's out there?" Chase asked as he looked up to the peaceful sky. Both Xen and Sam looked at him in confusion.

"You mean besides the sea?" Sam joked. Chase closed his eyes and sighed.

"Guys, I'm serious. Do you even think that there's more out there than just this town? Worlds outside of our own that are just begging to be explored. Adventures through places we could only imagine, with new people and animals and food!'' Chase explained with a passion. Sam chuckled at his friend's enthusiasm.

"Hey, maybe they'll give Xen something that makes him forget about sea salt ice cream." He proposed sarcastically.

"No, not my sea salt ice cream!" Xen recoiled in horror. The three then laughed at mere thought, but the idea of multiple worlds lingered in their mind.

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