shut up i love you

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We're sitting there. Me and Kevin and behind us is a pile of gifts. I hadn't done too good of a job at Christmas this year, I think Kevin knows why. Breakups are hard. Espically when your both called Kevin, you're basically begging God to make you soulmates. Even now; with the presents around us and the smell of pine filling my mind, I don't think I'd be able to find someone like Kevin. Not for me.
He's been glancing up at me and back for a while now. When I ask him about it he blushes; deep red and proceeds to pick up a parcel; gold.
"I wanted you to have this." He says as he leans forward and places the parcel in my hands.
"I didn't-" I start to protest. He only smiles.
"Shut up." He says. Pieces fall to the ground as I tear the wrapping apart. Then it's over; it's open.
I'm looking at a folded shirt. No. Not just a shirt I release, every inch of it is patterned with checker boxes and it's the obvious colour of red. He doesn't have to say anything, he's given me a flannel and honestly I couldn't be happier.
Kevin's about to speak when there's a knock on the door. In a couple of seconds he's up and i hear him call someone a brat. With a flood of emetions, I know one thing,
His sister has come home for Christmas too.

xmas @ the kevin's Where stories live. Discover now