Meeting our ghostly friend

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There was something….. Unnatural in the house. And not just a smell or something like that. No, edd was sure it was a ghost… Not Jon! They could see Jon, and he was very nice. This one though, it was different. It felt different, acted different. Edd wasn't really scared of it, but he didn't really enjoy its presence. Edd and Tom never saw it, and while Matt said to have saw it, he didn't really get a good look at it, or him.

He was small, and a male. That's about all matt saw before he disappeared. Matt tried to see him in the mirror again but he never appeared again. Their ghost friend would move things, push things off of shelves and counters, and even just hold and carry them. Tom was very angry to see his Toy bear floating a few inches above the couch. Trying to take things from him would always result in him throwing the object.

The worst thing, in Edds option, was the voices. Laugher and giggles were constant, being those of a child's. They sounded distorted, as if someone else was speaking at the same time, backwards even. And while it was only at night, sobs could also be heard. They all preferred the laughs over the cries. Children crying was horrible on it's own, but when it was distorted and almost demonic it just made it 10 times worse.

He didn't speak, not much at least. A few times Tom would hear a very pained "please stop" before whatever alcoholic drink he had would be pushed to the ground. Other one or two word voices could be heard, but rarely. 

Today Edd wanted to try and talk to the apparent child ghost. Not wanting to risk a ouija board, Edd settled for a simple pen and notepad. Tom and Matt joined him as they all sat in the kitchen, the open pen lying on the papers.

"If anyone is there, could you please write to us?" Edd said, trying to calm his nerves. Tom crossed his arms, saying he wasn't convinced. To their shock and horror, the pen was picked up and a messy message was written. 'Hi! :)'

"The fuck!" Tom shouted, receiving a frowny face from the ghost. "So, you are real. Well I hope your ready to answer some questions" he growled. 

"Okay!" Came a childish chirp, startling them. Tom growled again, but Edd quickly asked a question, not wanting their ghost friend to get scared or angry.

"S-so. How old are you? You sound young" he sputtered. The pen wrote a bit more neatly. '5, at least I was when I died. I think I'd be 20 or somethin.'

"How come we can't see you?" Tom spat, still glaring at where the ghost must've been. 'No need. "What's your name?" 

'Tord! What's yours? Tom?'

"Yeah, that's tom, im edd, and this is matt. Why are you here? Is this your home?" Edd said leaning closer. The pen dropped suddenly, and the lights flickered once. 

Slowly, the pen was once again 'held' by tord. 'Nope, I don't live here. And sorry, writings hard.' 

"Can't you talk then? Jon can talk" Tom huffed. Edd elbowed him.

"I'm not  Jon. I'm tord!" Came a slightly distorted voice, and that same secondary voice could be heard. It had an ascent, so it must've been a foreigner. The other voice sounded the same, but edd couldn't make out what it was saying.

"Hmm, why do you keep pushing my Smirnoff of the counter?" Tom hummed.

"Daddy drank, then he hurt. I don't like drinking, that's was daddy's favorite drink." Tords voice sounded sad, and the air around him felt heavy.

"Did your dad… Kill you?" Matt asked, thinking back on the time he saw the child. 


They sat in silence for a moment. Edd jumped as he felt a tiny cold hand touch his face. With a flicker of the lights, a small, translucent child was now floating about the counter, sitting cross legged in the air.

He had brown hair styled up in two horns, a large kitchen knife stabbed into the side of his head. His eyes were a pale green color, red was his hoodie, and he wore a simple pair of black jeans. He frowned slightly before the lights began to flicker, tord flicking with them. The lights went out for a long moment before coming back on, this time tord was gone. Written neatly on the pad of paper was 

'I'm too tired. Maybe we can play later… bye bye!' 

"Should we be worried?" Tom mumbled softly. Edd blinked, looking over to his black eyed friend.

"I mean, he's just a little kid… I really don't think we have a choice anyways" Edd said. They sat there for a few more seconds before getting up and going their separate ways. "What have I gotten myself into?" Edd muttered shakily. 

( A N )
Came up with this au on a whim and absolutely fell in love. Basically tord's a child ghost who was murdered by his alcoholic father and now romes the earth. More to come! Oh! And Jon is important to the story and tord

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