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       Don't give up. Don't give up on yourself. You have a life. You have yourself. Please. Don't give up on you.

       You can get better. You will. Have you ever read the scriptures? Do you know the most common way a verse is started? And it came to pass. Not once is it written, and it came to stay. Never once did it stay.

       You may not be perfect. You may hate yourself for the little things you do. I used to hate myself because I talk a lot, because I get angry at the people I love. I have made my sister cry before. I hated everything about myself. Sometimes I catch myself thinking those things again. I still slip. But it's something that can always get better. You can always improve. You are worth everything in the world. You may wonder what happened to you you. You may look back at younger you and be hopeless, confused. Why do these things happen to us? When did our lives go from a carefree little kid to a person with the weight of the future on their shoulders, pushing them to the ground. You may regret so many things. You may think you are unforgivable.

       But you aren't, you are worth so much more than you tell yourself. You can apologize, you can work on yourself, you can focus on the good. You can. Even if you've given up, if you've decided numbness was the only solution to pain, it isn't over yet. You still have the rest of your life. Don't throw it away. Use it. Think. Think of all the things you could do with those years, those months, weeks, days, hours, seconds. So much.

       You can learn to draw, to write, to speak, to dance, sing, run. You can help yourself. You can help others. There is still so much you can do.

       I believe in you. I know what you can do. I know that you can do this. No matter what you have done or what has been done to you, you are strong enough to keep going. You have your mind. You have your spirit. Those can never be taken from you. I know that you can do this. But that doesn't matter. You know what matters?

       You. You must  believe in yourself. Because believe you can or believe you can't, you are right. 


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