°Chapter 11°

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     The demon stopped his hunger, he felt controlled by his senses, he better disappears before he can kill Jungkook.

   Taehyung don't know what's going on, he is a demon after all, enjoying Jungkook's pain and his bad acts. But he never experience such a spiritual force bringing him to want more until he became dangerous. He can't afford it, he will regret his activity later.

   A big part of him is demon, and that's what they usually do, torturing their owned victims until they kill them. After that the demons start to search another bodies to possess and kill, an infinite cycle of their existence. After so much pain from Jungkook, Taehyung's blood boiled in him, it just screamed death. All those things had accumulated in time so this time arrived.

   Taehyung could fight that bloody urge because he still have human instincts, but even in this way, is hard to mentain his calm around the younger.

   Seeing Jungkook choking and suffering from smoke is truly enjoyable, how his eyes are forming tears and the struggle of escape from Taehyung's large hands. Sometimes he just can't resist seeing this side of the younger. But for now he need to retreat for awhile.

   In a blink of a second the demon was gone, in the bed remaining just Jungkook, looking awkwardly around.

   He whined a lot, his wrists hurts after that demon pinned him down, Jungkook rubbed the red marks kindly, flinching sometimes. He mumbled alone "Bastard" as he wondered where Taehyung ran, and why.

   At least he have a moment of peace before the daily storm named Taehyung. Jungkook had a lot of troubles because of him anyway, he begun to faint a lot because he could barely eat or sleep, he had no energy in him. So the first thing he do is to wrap himself in the blanket, staring at the moonlight.

   Destiny is powerful but it can build new traps anytime.


   Jungkook had a lot of thoughts last night. He don't even have Jimin next to him anymore, not like he cared, but it feels like something is missing, like someone carrying about him? That's weird. He don't need anyone, also the reason of that conflict was the huge amount of care that Jimin gave him, too much is too much, and he don't intend to apology, like he never did.

   The younger could finally use this free time where is not the demon around to eat a lot and also sleep, a whole day, he even missed the school day.

   But now he is ready to go to University again, and somehow the weather is sunny too. He walked alone on the street, glaring at people with his sharp eyes like always, just like a territorial wolf. People around him know him good enough, they don't even look back at the younger, knowing what is capable of, the same faces he recognise everyday.

   There it is, the University, filled with some students staying in groups of friends. Jungkook just saw few of his buddies he talk from time to time. He may look lonely and intimidating but that's what attract others to him, and even that Jungkook isn't so talkative, he like to listen and analyze informations. The only moment he is talkative as fuck is when he is drunk. Like, he will never forget what dumb things he did while he was drunk in the club with his friends. Once he pushed the dancers from the stage and dance himself instead, thinking at how god damn hot he is twerking on the stage in front of all, because why not? The dancers said nothing to him, ironically they were amazed by that skills and whistle amused. But that's just the smallest memory, some are just too much, he laugh everytime he remember. He don't drink alcohol so much anymore, it can create problems to him, well not like he don't create them anyway, but still.

   Jungkook chatted with his friends, they stand under a tree, covered by the beautiful shadow.

   The younger even forgot about others these months, while Taehyung was with him, he could barely remember that he had people to talk with, he don't know why. Maybe because he had a very close person 24/7, maybe Taehyung was the most annoying thing on the planet with his jokes and harsh talk, but that's how they fight and chat a lot, making him forget about the rest of the world. Is interesting in a weird way, or maybe he don't know what to think anymore.

   Jungkook laughed with them about stupid things like always, pushing eachother playfully and smirking until the periods starts. He sigh.

   And there he waved a lazy goodbye, walking on the corridors now. He threw away some kids on his way because they didn't gave him enough space and kicking some flower pots because he don't like their colors or how they look. Until his eyes spotted a familiar figure, it was Jimin.

   Once they met eachother's glares, it started an awkward silence, like both of them wanted to say something, but they couldn't.

   Jimin eyes transmitted warmth and sadness while Jungkook just stared blankly at him, like they never had a close friendship. For Jimin it hurts a lot, he want to even apology from nothing just to regain his best friend, but is useless, he is tired with fighting now, so he keep a distance between them.

   Things got ruined, and they can only walk in the classroom, like they were invisible. They had fights a lot but it never happened this, it was Jimin who usually come to him and bring them together. If not, Jungkook isn't the type of person who apology, is an act of weakness, and he don't need others so badly.

   Jungkook mumbled a song while drawing on a paper, his eyes were fixed there like a kid, it was his passion after all, he loved doing that.

   In these days he was so relaxed, so unreal, like the hell he lived in was scattered in pieces. Maybe he thinks too much but where could be Taehyung? He come back each time, but the time that passed, almost a week, is just not right. Jungkook wished it could be like this more, without such a burden in his life, he can't lie.



  Jungkook was angry for thinking too much, it leads to something he don't want. He can pretend it is alright, just for a second more before his body moved by itself.

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