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Mebo: It's too early to get up. It's only 5:00.
Mebo: (Walks down stairs)
Mebo: (Makes eggs)
Mebo: (Takes backpack and goes to the bus)
Spooby: Hey, Mebo, do you like the play I'm writing?
Spooby: (Hands script)
Mebo: Thanks, I'll read it later.
Corn: Hey Mebo.
Mebo: (Mutters) Hey.
Mebo, Spooby, Corn: (Walks onto bus)
Mebo and Spooby: (Sits in the back of the bus)
Spooby: Are you tired?
Mebo: Yeah. Sorry if I mutter, I'm know to do that a lot.
Spooby: Like I don't know.
Mebo: You like Corn don't you?
Spooby: A little. (blushes)
The bus stops. Iris gets on the bus and sits right next to Mebo and Spooby.
Iris: Hey guys!
Mebo and Spooby: Hey.
Mebo: (Takes out white chocolate chip and raisins cookie)
Mebo:(Gives cookie)
Mebo: Give this to Corn when we get to school. He really likes them.
Spooby: Really? That easy?
Mebo: Yeah... I mean at least you can get him to be your friend. That's how I did it.
Spooby;: (Eyes light up)
Iris: Guys look I got you coffee!
Iris: (Hands them coffee)
Mebo and Spooby: Thanks.
Spooby: That was weird.
Mebo: Spooby  remember she's new. She's trying to make friends.
Iris: Do you guys want to eat at my house tonight?
Mebo: Sorry, we are doing something else.
Iris: Oh it's fine.
Spooby: (Hums something)
Mebo: Finally we are here.
Mebo, Spooby, Iris, and Corn: (Walks off the bus)
Mebo: Lets-
Corn: Hey May, I want to tell you something. We need to go somewhere else.
Mayo: Lets go them. (Tries to grab Corn's hand)
Spooby: (Covers eyes before Corn dodges)
Corn: (Dodges Mayo's hand)

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