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A couple classes later they were at lunch. Then all the drama went up.

Teacher: Grab your lunch boxes and lunch tickets!

Students: Ok teacher.

Mebo: Ugh I hate have to respond to everything.

Iris: It's all most the weekend.

Mebo: Sure.

They went down to lunch.

Mebo: Spooby are you ok?

Spooby: Yeah I'm just fine!

Spooby: (Starts crying)

Mebo: Um...

Iris: (Touches Mebo's shoulder) I thing we should go get a seat.

Mebo and Iris: (Walks to the last table)

Iris: What did you say?

Mebo: Nothing!

Iris: Then why is she crying.

Mebo: I don't know, how do you thing I know!

Iris: Just stop yelling.

Mebo: Fine.

Iris: Ok can I talk?

Mebo: Yeah.

Iris: You and Spooby where best friends when you where younger right? I'm guessing.

Mebo: Yeah.

Iris: So then what happened?

Mebo: She likes Corn and thinks Corn likes Mayo. But Corn likes her. It's weird telling your  best friend their crush likes them.

Iris:(Blushes) Oh so he likes Spooby?

Mebo: Yeah.

Iris:(Looks over at Spooby sitting by herself) I can see it happening.

Mebo:(Bites into her sandwich) Well I can't. There not so pose to be together, Iris!

Iris: How do you know?

Mebo: I don't know I think!

Iris: I don't care and its almost time for recess.

Just then the bell rang. Everyone went outside. Nothing happened at recess or any other class for the rest of the day. Everyone went home and went to bed.
Mebo thought everything was over... but it wasn't.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2020 ⏰

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