Prologue: We Wish Upon a Star (Or a Jirachi)

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(3rd person POV)

Alondra, Kristen, and Olivia were somewhat normal people.

They were obsessed with video games, particularly Pokémon and Sonic, but they were still your average girls.

Until the wish...

(At Steroid Middle School,Friday at 2:32 P.M.)

"If you have not finished page 15, it is homework,class. You may talk with others until the bell rings." Mr.Benson, the science teacher, told his class.

As all the kids in the class moved to talk to their friends, one girl in particular moved towards the front.

She had brown hair, worn in a braid, with brown eyes, she wore a Sonic t-shirt, blue jeans, tennis shoes, and a Pokémon lanyard with a small Pikachu statue attached.Her name was Alondra.

Alondra approached 2 other girls, one was an African American with short and curly dark brown hair and brown eyes. She wore a similar outfit, but with a different styled Sonic t-shirt, a denim jacket, and she didn't have a Pokémon lanyard. Her name was Olivia, although she was also called Olive.

The other girl had bright pink streaks in her light brown hair, and she had bright green eyes. She instead wore a Pikachu t-shirt and a leather jacket. Her name was Kristen.

When Alondra reached the other 2, she said, "My parents are letting me sleep over for once! What about you, Kristen?"

"Same,we get to all sleep over at Olive's tonight!" Kristen said.

"What about Caitlin or Maria? Can they come?" Olive said.

Alondra and Kristen said no at the same time.

"Caitlin's parents are going to some kind of party and Caitlin has to go as well." Kristen said.

"And Maria's parents won't let her stay 'cause she has Catholic school in the morning." Alondra said.

"Next time,we should plan it so everyone can stay, but at least the 3 of us can stay." Olivia said.

"This is going to be the best day ever!!"

(Olivia's House,6:43 P.M.)

Olivia was standing on the porch waiting for Alondra and Kristen to arrive.

After a few moments,a dark blue Mustang pulls up in front of her house and Alondra steps out.

They wait a couple of minutes and saw Kristen riding a bike up Olivia's driveway. Then they all enter her house. Once they got into her room they spent a few hours playing Sonic and Pokémon.

(at 8:54 P.M.,on Olivia's porch)

"Have you seen the premiere of Sonic Boom?" Olivia asked. "I missed it,it's so early!"

"I missed it too,but me and Maria found a website that has the episode. Let's watch it later." Alondra said.

"For now though,let's play some Pokémon!" Kristen said.

The three of them pulled out their DS. Olivia had a 3DS,Alondra had a DSi,and Kristen had a DS Lite. The 3 of them had separate Pokémon games, Olivia has all of the games,but mainly plays Pokémon Y,Alondra had Pokémon Black 2 and White,but she mainly played Pokémon Black 2. Kristen had Pokémon White as well.

A half hour later,Olivia said,"Look!" Alondra and Kristen both looked up from their games to see a single shooting star. "Make a wish!"

Each of them shut their eyes and silently wished for something.

Olivia wished for the Sonic characters to come to life.

Alondra wished for Pokémon to be real.

Kristen wished for some pizza.

The 3 of them waited for a second,then a pizza truck pulled up into the driveway.

"MY WISH CAME TRUE!!!" Kristen yelled.

"That'll be $5."the pizza guy said.

After eating some pizza,the 3 girls continued to play Pokémon until a they all got a strange message from the Pokémon Professor of their games.

"That's weird,Professor Juniper wants me to go to her lab." Alondra said. "She wants me to do the same in my game!" Kristen said. "Professor Sycamore wants me to go to his lab too!" Olivia said.

The 3 girls looked at each other. "Maybe it's something special that happens in each game?" Alondra said. The 3 girls all went to the Professor's lab in their games and each got the same thing: a Pokémon egg. However,just as they accepted their egg,each of their games crashed! When they restarted their games,they found out that their save data was destroyed!

"Seriously!?SERIOUSLY!?!!" Kristen yelled.

" a shiny that's gone!" Alondra said,trembling with rage.

"I just completed the National Pokédex!!!!!" Olivia yelled.

After Alondra accidentally broke a lamp in her rage,the 3 girls decided to go to sleep. When they woke up,they had a healthy breakfast of pizza and bacon. After watching the Sonic Boom premiere on the Internet and watching the new episode,it was time for Alondra and Kristen to leave.

"Bye Olive!" Kristen said as she biked away.

"See you Monday!" Alondra said as she opened the door to go to her car.

"Wait,you almost forgot your backpack." Olivia said,handing Alondra a purple backpack. "Oh yeah,thanks!" When Alondra took it, the backpack seemed to get heavier,but Alondra ignored it as she went to her family,waiting in the car.

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