26 | bad boy

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"Hey babe, I'm home" Yoongi slurred in his deep voice, hands shoved in his low waisted jeans' pockets as he came up to his boyfriend Jimin, who was slouched on the couch, a warm blanket to cover his thighs. It was pretty cold outside and all Yoongi needed was some cuddles and a hot tea to reinvigorate his body.

"Where have you been?" the other boy's tone was serious, his eyes fixed on the tv screen, not minding Yoongi who was slowly making his way to sit right next to his angry-looking boyfriend.

"What's it, babe? Are you mad?" the older boy ignored his partner's question and instead gave him a small peck on the cheek which the latter didn't seem to appreciate; in fact, he pushed Yoongi away, leaving him dumbfounded.

"Hey! What did I do!!" the platinum-haired boy yelled, feeling his cheeks burning.

"You didn't sleep here last night and then you come back here this morning like it's nothing" Jimin coldly replied, still not paying attention to Yoongi, who raised an eyebrow and then spoke.

"Excuse me? I went out to drink, I told you. I thought you didn't mind" he retorted, gesturing as he said those words. Just then Jimin finally turned around: he looked like he was about to beat the hell out of Yoongi.

"Really? And what did you do afterward, uh?" he clicked his tongue and then shook his head, his perfect features corrupted by a look of indignation.

"I find it hard to believe all you did was drink all night, you know" he then added, his voice getting lower, his tone provocative. He was striving to get a reaction from Yoongi, any reaction so that he could put light into that situation.

His boyfriend was being too shady lately.

Well, he'd always been the type one should not trust completely but that was part of his charm now wasn't it? The cool, bad boy who will take you out to dinner one minute and then f*ck you mercilessly the next... basically the whole package in Jimin's head. But said package came with flaws and some of them were more unbearable than others.

He didn't mind Yoongi's rude behavior and rough manners that much for instance, although what he really couldn't stand was unfaithfulness. It was the greatest red flag he always looked for whenever dating a new guy and wanted to stay away from at all costs... probably because being a not-so loyal boyfriend himself, he wanted that kind of security.

Unfortunately, Yoongi was known to be a player and a very good one at that. He could play with your heart, make you believe you were all his and then bam! dump you for someone else just like that. I mean, if it happened for someone as popular and pretty as Jungkook, chances were Jimin was next on Yoongi's list of hearts to break. So it was no surprise he was always so careful with even the most insignificant things his boyfriend did.

"Look Jimin, babe... I'm sorry. I should have texted you or told you I wasn't gonna spend the night at your place but I was really wasted and didn't wanna make you worry.." Yoongi explained, puckering his lips into a pout, hoping to make Jimin melt for the cuteness. But the other boy wasn't having it, instead, he crossed his arms and refused to say another word.

"What now? You're giving me the silent treatment? Ugh, you're such a baby" the older boy snarled, taking Jimin by the shoulder in order to force him to look at him in the eyes. A moment later he was kissing him, first slowly then more frantically, making him gasp for air.

"Get off me!" the younger boy screamed, squirming for Yoongi to let him go, using all the strength he had to set himself free from his grip; but he was sinking his nails into Jimin's skin and the look on his face was scary, so more so that when he tried to kiss him again, Jimin bit his lip until it bled and then jumped out of the couch with the agility of a cat on the run, before taking a marble vase from a nearby table and threatening to throw it at Yoongi.

"Take one single step towards me I dare you" Jimin gritted his teeth and hissed at him, his eyes glassy and red.

"Come on, Jimin-ah I just want to kiss you" Yoongi spoke, lazily getting up from his seat and going near the other boy who was as steady and unmoving as a block of stone.

"Why are you hurting me?" Jimin then told him in a strangled voice, a single tear streaming down his cheek, his stare piercing Yoongi's.

"Babe I'm not hurting you..come-" the older boy spoke but was interrupted by Jimin's cries.

"Get out of my house. NOW!" he yelled, dangerously lifting the vase up in mid-air.

"Ok. Fine. I'll go" Yoongi was quick to replay, licking the blood off his lips and heading out with his head lowered, like a dog who has been beaten up.

Jimin's heart was racing, his eyes overflowing with tears as a muffled cry left his mouth once Yoongi finally left. Putting the vase back in place, a sudden realization shook him to the core.

"Did I lose my precious Tae over... him?"

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