Christmas Special - pt.2

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Changbin's POV

It was so quiet in the house. Everyone was asleep apart from me because I wanted to make this Christmas a special one. It was like 3am on Christmas Day and I, instead of sleeping, decided to take this time and use it to put the presents I had wrapped a few days before under the tree as well as put up some more decorations.

I placed them one by one and very carefully under the tree. Once I had finished I sat down on the floor where I was just crouching and smiled as I looked around the room. Everything felt so complete. Then I heard a door open and I stood up quickly. I looked at where it had come from and saw a wide-eyed but obviously exhausted Minho staring at me.

"Why are you awake!?" I whisper yelled and he made his way over to the tree. He started to put presents under the tree and there were a lot of them.

"Ummm it's just so that I could put these presents here. That's why I'm awake. Yeah" He replied in a strange tone. I then looked back to where he came from and I began to think. I then remembered the conversation on the groupchat yesterday and I looked back at Minho.

"Did you just finish wrapping presents!?" I whisper yelled again and he looked at me with guilty eyes. I sighed.

"I won't tell anyone that you forgot about us. But on one condition..." I gave him a mischievous grin and he gulped.

"What is it?" He asked.

"You have to get Jisung under the mistletoe and kiss him." I said and my grin grew wider as I saw his face go as red as a tomato.

"But what if he- But what happens if I- What if he doesn't-" I put a hand on his shoulder and he shut up.

"Trust me, he likes you." I teased him by winking and he rolled his eyes. I then saw a mischievous look creep into his eyes and I became nervous.

"You just wait Changbin. I won't be the only one kissing someone tomorrow..." he said and winked at me before creeping back towards his room. He left me in silence and I could feel the heat rise to my cheeks when I realised what he had meant. I quickly went back to my bed and closed my eyes, covering my face with the covers. I then slowly fell into a deep and relaxing sleep.

(the evening of the same day: Christmas Day)

Everyone was gathered in the lounge area now. We were waiting for a few other people to arrive before we started to play games so we sat and talked for a while. I soon heard a knock on the door so I got up and went and opened it. Standing right in front of me was Jae, Young K and Wonpil with some Christmas presents in their hands. Behind them, Mark, Jackson and BamBam were also standing there holding presents. I smiled and let them all in.

Once we had all settle down properly, we began to play some games. We played a few games of Cluedo and none of us were amazing at it. Seungmin won twice out of the 5 games we played so he was the best of all the people that were here. Because there were too many of us, we took it in turns but it wasn't working too well so for the last game we played, we all got into teams.

Then we played the truth game but everyone basically knew everything about eachother anyway so it wasn't very interesting.

But then Jisung got up and brought twister in from his room. He gave us all a playful grin and then started to set it all up. Four people went onto the mat whilst the rest of us watched, took videos and pictures and laughed.

After two games, Jisung, who was doing the spinning, called up me, Felix, Young K and Brian. We all got ready and then it started.

After a few spins, things were already getting chaotic. Young K got out in the fourth spin and then the trouble began.

"Brian! Hahaha! I'm so much better than you. Ha!" Jae was teasing from the mat. Young K rolled his eyes and then Jae fell on the ground but it was very suspicious as it didn't seem like he did it by accident. I looked up to the sofa to see Minho smirking and I looked over at Jisung to see that he was also smirking and that's when I realised their plan. I held back the blush but I was sure that the pink still showed up on my cheeks. I cleared my throat and then the game continued.

Jisung didn't seem to even be looking at the spinner anymore and the position me and Felix were in was extremely uncomfortable because we really had to stretch. My next instruction meant that I would need to reach my arm over him as well but as I tried to do that I fell and we both collapsed. I got up a little bit and looked down at Felix. I was on top of him. We were so close and it was making my heart beat like crazy.

I noticed that Felix was blushing ever so slightly and I took a deep breath and then kissed him right on the lips. I could feel him kiss back almost instantly. I felt fireworks go off as we kissed. It was as if we were the only two people on earth at that moment but it was all ruined by the guys that were watching.

Everyone was saying things like "awww" or "that's so cute!" and it made both me and Felix blush really hard once I had pulled away from him. We both sat up and then I looked at Minho who was now sitting next to Jisung and whispering something to him and they were laughing away. I knew exactly what to do. I stood up and ran out of the room and then returned with mistletoe in my hand.

I crept up behind Minho and Jisung and then I held it above their heads and Minho noticed first and then Jisung. Both of them blushed but then Minho took control of the situation and kissed Jisung without hesitation. They got the same reaction as me and Felix and I watched proudly. I placed the mistletoe on the coffee table and smiled as I watched Jisung and Minho embrace.

But just as I thought it was over, Chan grabbed the mistletoe and in a flash he was holding it above Jackson and Mark's heads. He winked at them both and I laughed a little. I could see a blush creep onto Jackson's face and then Mark kissed him and everyone was either laughing or clapping. Chan put the mistletoe back on the coffee table and eventually Mark pulled away from Jackson. God they were so cute together. They may as well just date already.

After we finished playing games and opening some more presents, Jae, Young K, Wonpil, BamBam, Jackson and Mark all left and the 8 of us that were still at our dorm all got comfortable on the sofa and the floor and put on a Christmas film.

It was a little way into the film when Felix gave me a present. I took it and carefully opened it and inside was a ring. Felix held up his hand to show me his ring and they matched. I smiled and I felt a tear of pure happiness trickle down my cheek. I wiped it away and put the ring on and then hugged Felix. I felt like I finally belonged somewhere and that I finally had a home. He is my home. He makes me feel like I belong. Lee Felix you are the love of my goddamn life.

As the film was getting close to the end, I realised that Felix had fallen asleep on my shoulder and so I closed my eyes started to fall asleep with my head resting on his head.

This Christmas truly was a magical Christmas.

(Thank you for reading pt.2!!!! It's not as good as pt.1 and I can write better than this but I still hope that you enjoyed it. I know that it's not the best so I'm sorry about that and I'm also sorry if you find any mistakes. Pt.3 will be released tomorrow and will hopefully be a lot better!

If you have any questions that you would like to ask the characters then please comment those questions on this chapter.

Also, I realised that I did publish this chapter on Christmas Eve still but I wanted to publish it before I went to sleep. Most of you are probably reading this on Christmas Day or sometime after that so it doesn't matter too much. Anyway....


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