Chapter 1

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It was a dark and wet night in Chicago. Most people were in their homes warm and dry watching tv or eating a fresh meal. For one girl the cold rain means no fire, so the only thing keeping her pale skin sort of warm is a black hooded jacket, worn-out dark jeans, and barely kept together, black combat boots that she found in the dumpster.

       Lyla doesn't like this weather for two reasons, obviously no warmth, but also no one is on the streets which means no money to buy food. As she leans against the ally way wall she digs through her right pocket to find the bundle of cash she pickpocketed the day before from a guy in a nice black suit. He didn't look like he would miss it.

'Could you at least buy some clothes? No one wants to see your scrawny malnourished body.' Lyla rolls her eyes and continues counting the money.

"You know if you don't like it just go find someone else to bother. I don't need you." Her shadow casted onto the wall adjacent to her from the neon glow of a convenience store's open sign. The shadow seemed to have a mind of its own, moving around while Lyla stood still with her back rested against the brick wall to the ally way.

'You know I find that really funny considering the fact that you wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for me.' Lyla rolls her eyes once again. 'You're stuck with me whether or not you like it.' Lyla kicks off of the brick wall with a huff ignoring the shadow's comment. 'I'm not done talking here missy. Hey!'

"You might be keeping me alive, but if I don't eat I can still die and then you'll die too."

'You've got a point.'

Lyla walks into the tiny little convenience store with her bundle in hand. She saunters around the store looking for food that won't expire so maybe this time she can make it last longer.

With her arms full she walks over to the counter and drops the food with aloud thud getting the cashier's attention. "I'm going to the bathroom real quick can you hold this for me please?" The cashier looks up with a cigarette stick out of her thin lips with a hoop on the other side of her lip. She eyes Lyla. "Just make it quick." She sneers. Lyla walks off towards the back with a squeak as her wet boots rub against the floor. She might be homeless, but Lyla still has the decency to use the public bathrooms around town. She gets kicked out a lot when they find out she's not buying anything.

'Ugh, I hate this weather. We can't pick on anyone.' Lyla looks over to her shadow that is casted by the bright light in the middle of the room on the wall.

"Shadow, we only do that to get money. You know that."

'Doesn't mean it can't be fun.' Lyla rolls her eyes and inspects herself in the mirror. 'Yeah you could use some makeup.'

"Once again, the money is only for necessities, not makeup." Lyla emphasizes the not.

'For now.' Shadow mumbles and flies around the ceiling. "Whatever."

Lyla yanks open the bathroom door and heads back towards the counter when two older men walk inside. She slows her steps to make no sound as to caution herself if these men were dangerous. So she could book it out of there before anyone notices her. Lyla looks towards the mirror set up just above the counter while hiding behind an isle. She didn't see anything out of place, but something just didn't feel right to her.

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