Chapter 2

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Lyla slowly pries her eyes open to find her heavy black hood pulled over her face. Lyla slowly takes in her surroundings to see her body move without any command. 

'Don't freak out.' Shadow blurts out in her head. Lyla's eyes widen with surprise as all of her movements abruptly stop leaving her standing on the side of the street in the pouring rain. Shadow sighs with a huff. 'I told you not to freak out and you freaked out.'

"Can you blame me?! I was walking without actually walking! I think that is enough to freak anyone out!" Lyla exclaims. She was the only one on the deserted street at this late time. If not, everyone would think she was crazy yelling at nothing.  Shadow finally let Lyla have control over her own body again. With little to no strength left Lyla hobbled over to her humble home. Which isn't really a humble home, it's more of an old dumpster turned over into a make shift shack, but it's home... for now. Lyla turns the corner to her street when she hears footsteps behind her.

'Don't look back.' Shadow whispers. Lyla peers out of the corner of her eye to see the same two men from the convenience store following her. Lyla turns back around and tries to pick up the pace. 'I told you not to look back and look what happens, you end up getting two tag alongs.' Lyla sneaks another peak to see them pick up theirs pace as well. She freaks out and breaks out into a full sprint hopeful to loose them. 'Look what you did. You can't do anything right. Can you?'

"Just shut up! No one asked for your opinion or monologue." Lyla yelled.

'Wow, um if this is how you truly feel then I won't help on this one. Bye.'

"No, no wait, Shadow I really need your help!" No answer. "Oh come on!" Lyla continues to run back to her shack. She turns the corner to her ally way when she stumbles on the tiniest of rocks and lands face flat on the hard wet pavement. She slowly sits up to feel two big and dark shadows looming over her.

"Well well well, look at who we have here." Ryker snarls.

"So your the one who made us loose a good pay day. So glad to make your acquaintance. Now maybe we can have some good pay back." The  tall man squats down to Lyla's body as she struggles to push herself farther back into the ally way. Lyla's uneven anxious breathing could be seen in the cold nights air. "You made us loose a big payday young lady. I think we deserve something in place of the lost cash." The tall man stalks towards Lyla and suddenly yanks her up by the front of her bulky jacket holding her slightly off the ground where her feet are grazing the floor. Ryker then appears behind her wrapping his big tough arms around her, hindering her movements. The tall man then takes off the glove on his right hand as he pulls back and rams it into her stomach. Lyla doubles over as the shooting pain rises to her throat. He punches the same spot over and over again for what felt like hours. Until he finally stopped to take a breath. By now the hood as fallen from Lyla's face revealing her long, matted, brown hair.

"Ah, she's even prettier with her hair down." Ryker states as he takes a free hand and traces her jawline as she tries to yank free of his grasp.

"I wonder how much someone would pay for such a powerful and beautiful girl." The tall man sneers as he trails his cold fingertips around her jaw as she struggles underneath Ryker's grasp. He stares into her dark hazel eyes. "Ryker let her go." Ryker releases Lyla from his grip pushing her onto the ground in the process. As soon as Lyla starts to regain her breath, the unknown man, lays his knee on her belly pushing all of his weight onto it making Lyla writhe and claw under his grip trying to get away from him. "Oh my darling, did you really think we were going to let you go?" He stays on her stomach as he rips open Lyla's jacket showing her skintight black shirt underneath. He grins sadistically and yanks free a pocket knife and a small vile from his back pocket.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2021 ⏰

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