Chapther Eight

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Eli's Pov
I trained my eyes to look around the best I could. It had been forever since I had been here. Of course, not much had changed, it was still old, and dark like creepy vampires should be. Edward breathed out a tiny chuckle which made me smile. Good to know he still reads my thoughts I thought.

The little elevator dinged signaling it had stopped and one by one we slowly made our way out of it, following behind Jane, Demetri, and Felix.

I was really not looking forward to seeing Caius, Aro, and Marcus again. They were just very old school.

Edward kept his arm around my waist, and Alice was keeping quiet, the large doors opened and the throne room came into view giving me flashbacks of the very last time I was here.

"Sister I tell you to bring back one, you bring back three? Clever girl." I pressed myself against Edward's side locking eyes with Alec who looked genuinely surprised to be seeing me again.

"Eli! What a surprise." I winced when hearing Aro's loud exclaim and I forced a smile.

"Aro how lovely it is to see you again." I forced out seeing him smiling like a mad man making his way down from his throne.

Caius was always glaring for no reason watching me closely. I looked up at Edward giving him a gentle smile.

I pulled away for just a minute letting Aro take my hand in his holding it closely. I watched him intently.

"My my so you have a twin sister Isabella." Aro trailed off. "Seems like you were thrown into the supernatural before her, you're becoming a powerful witch," Aro commented amused.

"I only started it cause I wanted to try and improve myself, Aro." I answered back hearing him let another excited laugh.

"You always amuse me, Eli show us a spell yes? Let's see what you've learned." He beamed at me. His red eyes were showing so much excitement.

"Jane." Was all he had to say. "Aro," Edward warned stepping forward. "No, it's okay Edward." I quickly said reassuring him.

I turned to face Jane who was giving me that small smirk. "This will only hurt a little." She simply called.

I trained my head for a small spell that could block it, and created a quick shield around me, muttering the spell under my breath watching her focus in. She suddenly growled in annoyance when she saw it didn't work, like last time

"Magnificent." Aro laughed quietly. "You would truly be an amazing vampire, maybe very powerful indeed." He praised me.

I was gonna open my mouth to protest that I didn't wanna ever be immortal but then I heard Alice speak up. "She will become one of us." My throat ran a little dry and I looked over at Alice quickly giving her a look like she was crazy, even Edward was looking at her very shocked.

It was then at a blink of an eye Aro wasn't beside me but he was by Alice. Edward had grabbed me by my wrist and pulled me towards him holding me close to him

We watched Aro take Alice's hands reading into her past at her everything she had seen. "So amazing to see things you see before they even happen." He whispered a smile twisting across his lips.

He looked back over to me. "It seems you will be joining our immortal soon Eli, by means of your sister, she's an interesting one." He commented.

"Yes she was with Edward but then some things happened." I trailed off keeping my emotions at bay. Even though I was pissed at her, she was still my blood sister and she was most likely gonna hate me for being with her ex-boyfriend.

"So Interesting." Aro beamed more, everyone else was just watching him. Some looking bored like they had other things they needed to be doing.

"You guys may leave, and I do hope Eli you come to see us again soon, seeing you is always a delight." I nodded my head at them being held by Edward more.

We started following Demetri out the throne room. I could already hear a tour group making its way making me sigh deeply and press my head into Edward's side.

He pressed a soft kiss against my head "it's okay." He whispered quietly still holding me gently. "I always dislike coming here," I mumbled for just him to hear.

And I was beyond glad it was over but that just meant another problem laid in wait. We had to go back to Forks, and I had to face Bella yet again. But the true test. Was I ready for my twin to hate me? Was I really ready for that all?

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