March 16th-1919

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<2:30 AM, 1919>
Ah, I remember it like I happened yesterday, I refused to come out so I was cutting circulation from my head, that's why I have a tiny neck, my mom hates me, that's why I have no friends, anyways back to March 16th aka the worst day of my life, my birthday.

Other people celebrate? I cell-elebrate.
Yeah, I was born and trapped in a cage! Terrible Birthday am I right?

I wish I was never born, again remember, I have a tiny neck, my nickname is TinyNeckyNicky.. my names Nick, I'm a female, people call me Nicky because it fits with the nickname I have, would TinyNeckyNick really sound better that TinyNeckyNicky? I don't think either one sounds better than Nick!

My mother's name is Jane, Jane Chance Alter, my name is Nick Holiday Alter-Holy, my fathers name is Jick Nacelle Holy, I look like my mother more than my father, yet I act like my father, working hard every day, and he also has a weird nickname, his nickname is JickLickedabitch, because he was the 'hottest' male in his school and accused for raping young women, which he didn't, like me!
I was accused for being a th0t, which I hate as well.

This is the end of year one of my 100 years, so long!
<Nick Holiday Alter-Holy>

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