March 17th-1919

4 0 0

<10:30 PM, 1919>

In my state, women weren't allowed to learn to read or write, us females were forced to clean and cook, while the boys were having fun playing outside and helping their fathers with work, I was and still am confused for being a male although I am female, I hated being slaved and forced to do things, so when a man would ask if I am a male, I would reply with "Yes" or "Yeppers!".

When they men would find my real gender they would brutally hurt me and throw me back into the cage I lived in, that's when I tried to kill myself, the cage was big, and had a bunch of tiny sharp rocks and pebbles, so I tried suicide, but it didn't work..
That's all for now..
<Nick Holiday Alter-Holy>

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