Zoro (POV) X Reader- Underwater

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Hey! This is my first update in, I don't even know how long. Hope you enjoy!




We docked at a small island, I could see a small village on the coast line.  As we disembarked, there was a small stand next to the beach selling snorkeling equipment. 

"Oh! We should go snorkeling!" Luffy said excitedly jumping up and down. 

"And how exactly are you suppose to do that? You'd drown." Nami said rolling her eyes. 

The vendor perked up at the prospect of new clients. 

"Ah yes! Welcome to our island! The Snorkeling  here is the best in the world, the reefs surrounding the island are teeming with life! We even rent fishing gear, catch your own dinner and camp on the beach!" 

"I wouldn't mind, this sounds like it would be a lot of fun." Y/N said, and I felt her hand lightly brush my arm. I felt a tingle pulse through me like electricity at her touch. 

"Yeah, I'll go." I said, trying to keep my composure. 

"Well, if you two are going, be sure to stay close to each other, snorkeling can be dangerous if you don't have a partner." The vendor said, grabbing the masks, and two harpoons. He then pulled out a tether, "Be sure to secure this to each of you before you head out to the reefs. That way if one of you gets pulled out by a rip tide the other can pull you back" The vendor handed me the equipment, and winked. "Be sure to take care of her out there" 

The crew made their way to the beach, as beach chairs and umbrellas were set out I handed Y/N her mask. 

"Thanks" she smiled at me. 

"Well I have to admit that I'm not thrilled about you being tied to Y/N-swan, but while you are out there be sure to get plenty of fish for dinner. You know how much Luffy eats" Sanji said as he was setting up his cooking equipment. 

"Shut up" I said under my breath as I tied the tether around my waist. I watched last Y/N tied her end around her waist, and the sun shining down on her. She looked like an angel. 

"You ready?" she said playfully tugging on the rope, leading me to the water. 

I nodded, following her into the surf. As we dove into the water, schools of fish surrounded us. I could see the light in Y/N's eyes light up, as the droves of colored fish darted through the crystal water. I followed her, as we went further and further away from the coast line. 

Away from the sharp jagged rocks of the reef, we made our way to a clearing, where larger fish were swimming. She pointed downward at them, gesturing me to follow her. 

As we dove down deeper, I watched as her H/C hair shimmered and danced with her motions, I found myself hypnotized before she pulled on the tether. She held up her spear, to show a large fish, impaled on the end. Pulled back to reality, I gave her a thumbs up, which I instantly regretted. She gave me a puzzled look before pointing up to the surface. When we broke the waters surface she laughed before taking off her mask. 

"Are you ok? You seem distracted" 

I can't stop looking at you I thought. 

"uh, no just wanted to give you the first shot" 

"Uh-huh, well you better catch up you know how much Luffy eats" she giggled before putting on her mask again. 

We dove down once again, and took turns taking aim at the fish below us.  I watched her dance underwater, following the movements of the waves and creatures among us. She caught my eye, then she gave me a devilish smirk on her face. I watched her as she dove down, pulling me with her. When she stopped, we sat suspended in the water before she swam to meet me. Putting her hands on my shoulders, wrapping her legs around my waist. I traced my hands from her knees, up her thighs, and onto her waist.

She took her mask off, before taking off mine, and she cradled my face. I could feel my heart rate speed up, before I knew it I moved forward giving her a kiss. I could feel the bubbles of air rising out of our mouths, following the curves of our face before floating to the surface. I pulled away, looking at her face, I watched as the bubbles continued to come out of her mouth. 

I panicked and grabbed her hand and pulled her to the surface. We emerged with a splash, sending beads of water into the sky catching the suns rays. She brushed her hair out of her face before looking at me. She smiled, "I've been waiting for you to do that for a long time" she laughed. 

''Me too" I said pulling her close again. 




Well, that's that. Not sure how much I like this one. It as a prelude back into my writing I think it was kind of ok. 

Let me know what you thought! 

Any requests are welcome!



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