the comet

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The invasion failed, and Katara had nothing to do with it. She tried her best, she really did, but Zuko's father was ready for them. He had his daughter Azula keep them busy outside his shelter until after the eclipse, then he shot lightning to the door, blowing it open and forcing everyone to escape. The evacuation occurred the same way it did the first time, the adults staying behind and the team and children flying away on Appa. It broke her heart to have to wait until the comet again, although she had earned a few extra days with Zuko that she did not have the first time. They stayed in the same air temple they stayed in the first time, only this time both Zuko and Suki were there with them. Aang and Toph seemed to get close during his daily training of earthbending, his still weaker element. His firebending was getting much better, almost as close to his waterbending skills. There was no need for any trips except for the one with Sokka to the boiling rock. Katara kissed Zuko before he and her brother left. They came back three days later with her father and some unknown prisoner, the same one from the first time. A week later the comet came, and the team separated into three groups. The first one was Aang alone, he had tasked himself with confronting the fire lord. The second was Sokka, Suki, and Toph, they were tasked with stopping the firebenders from burning the earth kingdom upon orders from the fire lord. The last group was Katara and Zuko, tasked with fighting Azula. Since he knew about the lightning his sister sends at Katara he worked his best at redirecting lighting with his uncle since he woke up, he felt he had to protect Katara, and she appreciated it greatly. She secretly sent for a whole bag of spirit oasis water just in case Zuko would fail and get hit by Azula's lightning. She was ready, and she swore she will not let him suffer again. 

Katara & Zuko:

Katara and Zuko took Appa and flew to the fire nation palace, they landed right in time to interrupt Azula's coronation, just like last time. Zuko challenged his sister to a duel, just like last time. He was winning, like last time. She sent a bolt of lightning towards Katara, just like last time. This time Zuko was prepared, he made sure he was grounded and redirected her lightning back at her. The lightning that hit Azula, in the end, was only enough to shock her long enough for Katara to tie her up in a way she won't be able to bend her way out of. She turned to Zuko with a smile, happy they defeated the fire princess without anyone getting hurt. Her smile made way for a horrified look when she was Zuko smoking and lying on the floor, just like last time. She didn't understand, crying as she ran to heal him.

"what happened? You redirected her lightning, you should be fine" she said between sobs as she opened his smoking shirt, the same wound as last time, weirdly, as he did not get hit this time.

"I absorbed most of the lightning, I didn't want to kill her. As messed up as she is, she's still my little sister" she said, weakly raising a hand to Katara and wiping tears from her cheek before it fell. Katara took the spirit water from one of the bags and healed his wound, a small scar would remain, as the spirit water could not heal everything completely. He was alive, and with two minimal scars, they were both grateful for this. He sat up and they kissed, Katara's tears making their taste saltier.

"thank you," he said between kisses.

"I love you," she said back. They smiled at each other and kissed again.

"I love you too," he said as she helped him up and back on Appa. It hurt less than the first time, but still pained him greatly. He was grateful for Katara's wits in getting more spirit oasis water, he would have been hurting for a lot longer if she hadn't used some on him. 

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