How Come you Didn't tell me! Pt. 2 ♡

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Maddie's p.o.v

School was boring. As usual. I ran home as fast as I could, I was really excited about going to dance.

When I dance, I feel like all the pain that I've felt for a long time just...goes away.

When we got to the house, I unlocked the door with the spare key. We walked in and found my mom on her phone. She's always sure to act nice when we're at dance.

"Mom we're gonna go get ready for dance"

"Don't take too long or you'll get it later!"

"Okay" we said in unison.

Me and Kenz bounded up the stairs and into our own bedrooms. I took out a red Abby Lee Dance Company crop top and matching black shorts.

Then, I put my hair into a buns quickly. I threw all of my dance junk into my dance bag and then I ran downstairs. Mackenzie following me.

"Alright, you know the rules: no telling anybody about your beatings, no laughing, no smiling, and absolutely no bottom pyramid"

We both nodded. I knew Mackenzie was nervous because she didn't do well with her solo.
"Girls! Moms!" Abby called from the studio. We all ran in in a straight line. I was in the front of the line with Kenzie by my side then the rest of my friends.

"Lets get started"

"On the bottom we have....Mackenzie. You placed 5th with your solo"

"Next on the bottom is.....Paige. I saw many many mistakes in the group dance"

"Next is.....Nia. I feel like you didn't really improve at all"

My palms started sweating. C'mon Maddie. Please don't be on the bottom.

"Then there's.....Kendall,"

Thank god.

"You looked good in the group, but you didn't look great"

"First in the middle is....Brooke. Your solo was first but I saw lots of mistakes"

"Next on the pyramid is.....Chloe. You rocked the group dance and you looked stunning"

"And on top we have......Maddie,"

Everyone clapped and I smiled. Out o the corner of my eye, I could see my mom smiling and throwing me a thumbs up.

"You were first with your solo, which was absolutely gorgeous, and you looked beautiful in the group dance"

I smiled. Chloe hugged me and I hugged her back. I love Chloe.

"Okay, this weekend we're going to Ohio for this Competition. And the group is called 'Beneath your Beautiful' and we have two solos.

"Maddie, you will have a solo called 'when she cries'. It's about a little girl who has been abused her whole life. And your facials will really give everyone a run for their money"

I looked over at my mom. She looked uncomfortable but mad. Oh no. Time for the beatings.
We got home and we hurried inside. Our mom was gonna beat us tonight. Mackenzie was first on the bottom and I smiled during rehearsal.

"You're both dead!"

She then smacked Mackenzie right in the face. Kenzie fell on her but an held her cheek.

"STOP!" I screamed at her. But that only ended up with me on the ground. My mom got on top of me then punched my face multiple times.

Luckily the doorbell rang. She got of me and went to answer the doorbell. My mom smoothed out her hair an clothes.

"Go cover your face up!"

"Yes ma'am"

I then ran upstairs with Mackenzie following me. We ran into my room and closed the door. I started crying.

"Maddie please don't cry"

I couldn't stop. But I dried up my tears and cover up all of my, now, visible bruises with makeup.

Then, I changed out of my dance wear and slipped into some warm pjs.


I ran down the stairs and saw my beautiful best friend. I tackled her in a hug and my mom 'awwed'.

Then we all ran upstairs into my room. I closed the door behind me and we all climbed onto my bed.

"Oh my gosh, this is gonna be the funnest sleepover EVER!" Chloe smiled.

"I know! We never have any friends over"
Soon, my mom came in and told us it was time to sleep. We all nodded and made a little blanket pallet on the ground to sleep on.

My stomach growled. Mackenzie and Chloe were both asleep so I thought I could quickly sneak downstairs for an apple.

I got up and opened my door very carefully. I tiptoed past my moms room and down the stairs.

Mission complete! I took an apple out of the bowl of fruit on the counter. Just as I was about to leave, I felt something or someone grip my hair.

"What are you doing!" I screamed.

"I told you to go to sleep Madison!"

She then threw me to the ground and repeatedly kicked me I the stomach.
I heard footsteps come down the stairs and there was Chloe and Kenz.

My mom immediately stopped at 'shooed' us back upstairs. Chloe had tears dripping down her face.

"How come you didn't tell me" she whispered.

"Chloe, you can't tell anyone. Do you understand?"

She nodded and then hugged me. I'm glad I have a best friend just like Chloe.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2014 ⏰

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