The meetings

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Deep in a forest, lies a golem. Standing still under the moonlight. Mostly covered by the forces of nature. It's eyes are hidden by it's hair, but by the posture it looks calm. If anyone knew better they would say that it always laid still, but they had never seen if move during the day. The only thing people thought that it was ancient. Though the golem would move during the day. Passing around, always moving and observing the animals. This isn't the story of just the golem. It is also about a boy named Marcus.

Marcus is a small timid boy. Not much for adventure, but still fascinated by the things around him. Marcus would read stories of beyond him, only wishing to meet such things. Things he wishes he could meet from afar.

Marcus followed down a path. It was getting pretty late. The sun was setting down, which only caused Marcus to race on home quicker. His breath quicken as he would stumble around once or twice.

He was closer to home now. It wasn't until something caught his eye that forced him to stop in his tracks. Marcus couldn't make out what it looked like but by the shape of it. It was something humanoide. He felt something come over him. Like it was pulling himself to the humanoide. Marcus only complied to his mind and walked.

The sun was almost completely gone but Marcus was nearby home. He could easily run back to the trail.

Marcus now watching the humanoide, the more it became clearer that it was a golem. The golem was taller than Marcus. He suddenly thought it was a bad idea now, but as he looked closely. The golems movement's looked jagged and craggy. It was until the golem stopped moving all together was when Marcus stood a feet from behind.

It stood still like a pillar. Marcus moves cautiously around it. Examining it from different angles. Marcus took out a notebook and a pencil from his bag. He began to take notes called 'golem notes?' He would mark down all the things that seemed interesting about the golem and the lesser known things about it. It was nice that Marcus wasn't panicking, but that was spoken too soon.

There was a snap and a growl coming from one direction. Wolf, he thought. Marcus tried to pack up quickly but failing once he saw the front of the wolf. He dropped his stuff and began to run.

He scanned the sky seeing it was dark and he desperately tried to find the pathway home. Marcus would try and jump over some stones and branches to get away, but he wasn't known for how fit he was. Marcus scraped himself along the bushes and the branches that hanged low.

He now could see the pathway and felt himself run faster. The more he ran the closer he got home. The lights of the town were now in sight. He reached the town square to stop and see he must have lost the wolf once he reached town limits. Marcus was out of breath and his legs were tired now. He did his best and walked home.

He stood in front of his house. The lights were turned off, everyone is asleep he fought. He slowly opened the front door and walked inside. He carefully tippy toed to his room, cautious not to wake anyone else. Once he was inside his own room he laid down on his bed and thought of all the events that just happened.

Marcus soon felt himself drift off into his sleep. Closing his eyes into a peaceful sleep.

-Time skip-

Marcus was walking home once again down the pathway. When he swore he saw the golem. The same feeling he had the other night fell up uponed him once more. He felt the urge to walk to them. He looked at the sky, it was still pretty much day. Only four hours till nighttime. Marcus walked to the golem who just stood still.

Marcus now standing in front of the golem noticed how different it looked in daylight. It looked more alive than what he thought. If it wasn't for his fear of strange creatures then he wouldn't have flinched when the golem moved its arm.

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