Chapter Twenty

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While we were all riding on the KISS tour bus, I offered Vinnie to hold my hand just in case he started having a panic attack.

Even though I knew that he wasn't going to.

Nevertheless, Vinnie took the ride on a tour bus very smoothly.

"So, how long has it been since you last rode a tour bus"?

Michelle asked him.

"A really long time".

Vinnie smiled as he spoke.

Paul was looking up some fun things for all of us to do before the day was through.

"Oh! Oh! Let's go to the carnival, Starchild"!

Eric excitedly shook Paul by the shoulder to get his attention.

Tommy and Gene laughed at his cute and childish behavior.

"That sounds like a good place to go to".

Vinnie didn't know what a carnival was, and I guessed that it was because that maybe he never got to experience one as a child, or maybe he did and he just couldn't remember.

"It will be so much fun"!

I said to Vinnie, and he chuckled softly at how adorable my enthusiasm was to him.

"Yeah Vinnie, you can eat delicious food like hotdogs, hamburgers, French fries. Although, those are kind of unhealthy for you because of all that grease and oil".

Gene explained, and we all laughed at the way he said the last part.

"What else is there to do at a carnival"?

Vinnie asked.

"You can ride the Ferris wheel, play some games like ring toss, balloon dart, duck pond..."

Michelle answered while sitting on Tommy's lap.

"And if you win one of the games every time you play them, you'll win a prize".

I was excited for the game and the cokes, mostly because we were all too old to be riding kiddie rides and the fact that I don't riding a Ferris wheel, because the last time that I rode it, it almost made me freak out because of my fear of heights.

When You Wish Upon A ⭐️ (A Tommy Thayer Fanfiction) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora